Mindflash / grunt-jsxgettext

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Support all jsxgettext options #1

Open mphasize opened 10 years ago

mphasize commented 10 years ago


would it be possible to support all of the command line options for jsxgettext? I'm especially looking for the --join-existing setting. That way, we could generate the .po files directly with the grunt task.

Cheers! Marcus



-o FILE, --output FILE     write output to specified file
-p DIR, --output-dir DIR   output files will be placed in directory DIR
-v, --version              print version and exit
-k WORD, --keyword WORD    additional keyword to be looked for
-j, --join-existing        join messages with existing file
-L NAME, --language NAME   use the specified language (javascript, ejs, jinja, handlebars, jade)
-s, --sanity               sanity check during the extraction
maxnachlinger commented 10 years ago

That should be simple to add, so kick me pull request if you have a minute. Otherwise, if you don't mind waiting a week or so, I'll throw that in.

mphasize commented 10 years ago

Hi Max, I went through the code and saw that it actually is already possible to pass the options around.

            options: {
            keyword: [ 'gettext', '__' ], // multiple keywords
            "join-existing": true

This block in the config of the grunt tasks passes the "join-existing" over to jsxgettext. There is however another issue: With the option join-existing set, jsxgettext expects the options "output-dir" and "output" (i.e. file) to be given and fails otherwise. (See https://github.com/zaach/jsxgettext/blob/master/lib/jsxgettext.js Line:83) The grunt task meanwhile is configured with files and dest settings and technically dest is the same as output-dir and output combined, but it's not fed into the jsxgettext options.

The easy workaround is to set the output again in the options block and a possible fix would be to translate the dest setting to output-dir and output.

Cheers! M