MineBartekSA / TerraJump

A simple jump pad plugin for TShock
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link

Jump pads do not work & /TJ Edit Command Fails #5

Closed TheBambino closed 1 year ago

TheBambino commented 3 years ago

Terraria Client: TShock: 4.4.0 Pre-15 Database: Tried MySQL & sqlite SSC: Enabled

Jump Pads Do Not Work: As a first time user, to my understanding if a player has the correct group permission,terrajump.use, and steps on a jump pad tile, they should be launched to the specified config height. This is not the case. The specified tiles do nothing when walked over. The /jump command works fine. I assumed there was some type of setup considering the x,y columns in the TJPads table and users in the TJUsers database, so I could be missing a step in getting them to work.

Edit Tile Command Fails: Usage of /tj e tile or /tj e tile xxx produces a command failed error:

Command: ERROR: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
   at TerraJump.TerraJump.<>c.<ChangeTile>b__23_2(FieldInfo t)
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator`2.MoveNext()
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
   at TerraJump.TerraJump.ChangeTile(CommandArgs args)
   at TerraJump.TerraJump.Edit(CommandArgs args)
   at TerraJump.TerraJump.TerraJumpCommand(CommandArgs args)
   at TShockAPI.Command.Run(String msg, Boolean silent, TSPlayer ply, List`1 parms)
MineBartekSA commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your bug report! I'm sorry that it took me 3 days, but I was busy.

I've fixed everything (hopefully)! Jump pads worked for me. Make sure that the jump pad is correctly built and the user has the terrajump.use permission, or you had too new TShock version. 🤷 Command /tj disable pad did not work, but it is fixed now. And finally, /tj edit tile command is now fixed.

Fixes are available from the 2.3.1 version of the plugin. You can find the link to the plugin on the Pryaxis/Plugins repo (or in the pull requests of that repo).

TheBambino commented 3 years ago

That may have been my main issue then. What does a correctly built Jump Pad look like? I am using the default tile; Slime Blocks. There was an image on the old forums, but it's no longer visible. Thank you very much for the quick update!

MineBartekSA commented 3 years ago

image This is how a correctly build Jump Pad should look like

aarvndhNG commented 1 year ago

Hey can you make a README because i didn't how to use it @MineBartekSA