MineDojo / Voyager

An Open-Ended Embodied Agent with Large Language Models
MIT License
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Add instructions for running a dedicated minecraft server. Fixes #76 #100

Open theblazehen opened 1 year ago

GoingMyWay commented 1 year ago

Great! I found I did not set the correct gamemode and spawn-protection. That is the main reason why I did not get the good result.

Should change gamemode and spawn-protection to the following:

spawn-protection=0 # This is important, otherwise the bot can't do anything near the spawn
GoingMyWay commented 1 year ago

@theblazehen Hi, may I ask should we run /gamerule keepInventory true when the server is ready?

theblazehen commented 1 year ago

@GoingMyWay That's not necessary, as the bot runs it by itself. Note that you do need to op the bot in order to allow it to use those functions

GoingMyWay commented 1 year ago

@GoingMyWay That's not necessary, as the bot runs it by itself. Note that you do need to op the bot in order to allow it to use those functions

@theblazehen Thanks for the prompt reply. I have build a docker image for the experiment. However, in the MineCraft server I found there no such a command option that supports run game command upon the server is ready. For example run /op bot when the server is ready. It would be tedious to type/op bot every time I launch the server. Do you know how automatically to run the game command when the MC server is ready?

For example:

java -jar server.jar --nogui --commands ["/op bot", "xxx", "xxx"]

Note that --commands is not available in the MC server's option list.