MineDojo / Voyager

An Open-Ended Embodied Agent with Large Language Models
MIT License
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resume=True? #36

Closed DamascusGit closed 1 year ago

DamascusGit commented 1 year ago

since i get this error when re-running:

AssertionError: Skill Manager's vectordb is not synced with skills.json.
There are 3 skills in vectordb but 0 skills in skills.json.
Did you set resume=False when initializing the manager?
You may need to manually delete the vectordb directory for running from scratch.

do i just set resume=True when i call

python3 voyagerscript.py resume=True

or do I place the resume arg somewhere else?

TimeLordRaps commented 1 year ago

you want resume=True in the Voyager() example: my_voyager = Voyager( azure_login=azure_login, openai_api_key=openai_api_key, resume=True, ) You may also need to specify the checkpoint directory if you specified it to something other than the default when running the first time, also it will start count from where the iterations were last so if it hit max iterations, you would need to increase it.

xieleo5 commented 1 year ago

Hi, we just updated README for the resume.