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New relic for clearing areas and maybe combat use? #105

Open LukyLucas opened 2 years ago

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago


Wall Crasher

Relic Location


Relic Tier

Second Grade

Relic Info

I don't know if the tier should be changed or not, but the idea is it can break multiple blocks at the same time with precision like the hammer in mods. it would cost gunpowder to use and would be repaired via iron or maybe that metal i asked to be introduced? as another use it could have the side effect of producing recoil that would kick the user in the opposite direction of where it was used. would be dangerous if it kicked you upward but maybe if you were against a block it would redirect the recoil forward pushing any entities in front of you away?

key points

-dont have a recipe in mind yet

-would cost gunpowder

-could break multiple blocks at a time like hammer minecraft mods

-flings you in opposite direction when used bc recoil

-maybe can be loaded with extra powder for higher blasts? lol get flung across abyss

-if you have a brace like a block behind you recoil is directed forward and can push mobs.

Relic Model/Texture

no model idea yet but if given some ideas of how others might think it looks like ill design it myself.

Related recipe ideas

No response

Additional info

this would be good bc it can be used for large scale build projects or mining or even change the way people combat like if we allow people to fight each other. imaging them all flinging them selves around for a combat advantage lol.

this is just an idea and is welcome to change.


LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

as a note when i say it costs gunpowder i mean when its used not in the recipe

Kasaichan commented 2 years ago

A special type of gunpowder called the Everlasting Powder already exists in the game, and it is used to fuel several items similar to your explosive suggestion, those being the Blaze Reap, Boom-e-rang and Exploding Arrow.