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explosive arrows? #110

Closed LukyLucas closed 2 years ago

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

Item Type


Item name

explosive arrow

Item Info

like how fireworks can be fired from a crossbow but these can be fired from a regular bow and are more concealed than an obvious firework.

pretty much it explodes on impact and isnt affected by enchants. -wouldn't rlly work with punch ,infinity, might be fine with power but idk.

Item Model/Texture

none but can design.



Related recipe ideas

No response

Additional info

would be crafted with a arrow (not with potion or spectral arrows) and gunpowder (the stuff that one mob drops), paper, and a piece of iron, to light it obvs.

[O][P][] [P][G][P] [][P][A]

O-iron G-gunpowder P-paper A-arrow


LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

lol my crafting grid looks funni

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

looked at this again and thought it could be different on crafting,

[O][R][O] [G][S][G] [P][F][P] O-iron R-pressure plate S-stick F-feather P-paper G-gunpowder

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

im going to make the texture for it and submit it here so someone can give me thoughts on it. im muted after all.

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

sooooooooooo heres something for a texture.... i honestly thing the explosive top isnt bad but the body and feather are kinda terrible if u ask me... wanted it to look like a cyatoria feather but failed there... explosive arrow

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

might be hard to view its 16px by 16px

CptA4 commented 2 years ago

My brother in christ, please no more

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

Look in just trying my best to contribute

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

They CAN reject it if they don't like it

Boy0000 commented 2 years ago

There are already arrows in the pack. Specifically taken and modelled from examples from the show.

Just not used atm. The feature itself is also already planned so closing this

c-sig commented 2 years ago

my brother in christ, these are just fireworks

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

These would be used in bows and are more expensive. Also they are more concealed so if you see someone in a pvp layer you can bow them down without them knowing where you are.

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

Fireworks have all the effects and sound which may draw in third parties or give away your position. Fireworks are also timed so they can only go so far

c-sig commented 2 years ago

my brother in christ, minimaps exist. any person seeking pvp would have it and gunning down noobs with expensive arrows is not cost effective

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

Not everyone goes out thier way for a minimap and what if it's Real pvp against a equal opponent

c-sig commented 2 years ago

my brother in christ, have you not experienced pvp before

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

Next time I see a random guy in L5 I would totally load these up

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

Bro I spent all my time on hypixel and 2b2t

c-sig commented 2 years ago

my brother in christ, yes but we are talking about this server no 2b or hypixel

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

Yes btw most of my fights take running away from ppl with better armor

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

But with these I would bow them down without showing my position or getting close

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

If they become meta ppl would actually use the useless blast protection

c-sig commented 2 years ago

my brother in christ, there is no pvp meta in this server. its always a battle of attrition because keepinv isnt off