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Balloon #114

Open Tkachenko-Danylo opened 2 years ago

Tkachenko-Danylo commented 2 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem?

I think the players would really like it. Players will be able to help newcomers by sending balloons with resources to Orth, send messages, send items to a specific player, and so on.

Describe the solution you'd like.



Balloons are small airships commonly used by Void Seekers to carry letters and light packages to the surface. They can carry small loads. The fuel of the balloon is the air seeds of plants from the Abyss with water. Due to the specific fuel, the balloon lures the beasts of the Abyss fauna, so seekers often use repellent.


  1. Seeds: Where to find seeds? Air Seeds can be found at all levels, but the deeper you go, the greater the chance of finding one. They drop out of the grass with a certain chance. Also, from one block of grass, several air seeds can fall out with a certain chance. After dropping, they hover in the air with a flight animation. изображение_viber_2022-04-05_20-14-32-236 The animation was made by the release of gas from under the seed. How to use them? Before using the seeds as an ingredient in balloon fuel, they must be dried. This can be done with a stove. Then they need to be put in a separate cell of the balloon interface, but more on that later.

  2. Water: the second fuel ingredient. To add it, you just need to put a bucket of water in a cell in the same interface.


Repellent is an oil that is applied to the package itself to protect it from birds and insects. Craft: 8 blocks of grass around the edges and a bowl in the center. To add repellent, there is also a separate cell in the interface. The repellant increases the chance that the balloon will reach its destination.


The balloon interface will have five slots for items. Absolutely any items can be placed in these cells: from a stack of earth to the head of an Ender dragon. For the letter there will be a separate area above the cells in which you can enter text. The letter has a limited number of characters.

What determines the chance of success?

  1. Repellent As mentioned above - it protects against animals.
  2. Atmosphere of the Abyss Why is the ball hanging in the air at the edge of the Abyss (in Orth)? Because there is a weak atmosphere. That is, the ball is dependent on the atmosphere of the Abyss. We conclude: the closer to the center of the Abyss you launch the ball - the greater the chance of success, and the farther from the center of the Abyss - the less.

Launch Process

The player first crafts the ball itself. Ball Craft: To craft a ball, you need 1 block of wool of any color (the color of the ball depends on the color of the wool), 4 threads, 3 papers and 1 chest. изображение_viber_2022-04-06_14-15-55-185 Then the player must fill it in a separate ball interface, which will be discussed later. The player who sent the balloon can set the right of other players to interact with its contents:

  1. The player can send the ball to a specific player. In this case, only the player who sent it and the player to whom it was sent has the right to interact with the ball.
  2. View. The player can set up the ball so that other players can only view its contents. In this case, other players can only view the letter and items.
  3. Interaction. The player can set up the ball so that other players can fully interact with it, that is, take items from it. No one can take a letter under any circumstances!


At the very bottom of the interface window, on the left, next to each other, there should be two cells. In these cells you need to put grains and a bucket of water. Above the cells should be the inscription “Fuel”, and the background of each cell should be a translucent image of what should be there (either grains or a bucket of water). Cells should be centered in relation to the label. In the same place, but on the right, there should be a cell for repellent, above which should be the inscription “Repellent”. Against the background of the cell, there should also be a translucent image of the repellent. The cell should also be centered in relation to the label. A little higher there should be 5 cells for items, above them there should be an inscription “Items”. Next, all the remaining interface space should be occupied by the letter. The text can be written as in a tablet, that is, there will be the same strips that you can click on and start writing, as in a text field. Above these so-called "stripes" should be the inscription "Letter". It should be slightly larger than other inscriptions.

Other questions

What does the ball burst mean? This means that the ball completely disappears along with its contents. This means that he did not fly. After the disappearance, the player who launched it and other players will not be able to access it in any way. What does the balloon fly mean? This means that it has reached its destination and its contents can be interacted with depending on the choice of the player who launched the ball. Where can you launch the ball? The ball can be launched in a certain radius around the center of the Abyss. Is the balloon visible during the flight? During the flight, no one can see the ball in any way. The first time the ball is seen at the beginning of the launch. It can also be seen at the beginning of the launch by other players. After a while, it rises to a certain height and disappears. The last time the ball can be seen in the Orth. How and where can you interact with the balloon? Balloons, as in the anime, will be nailed to the edges of the Orth. It can be both the slums and the upper part of the Orth. To pick up items from the balloon, you need to go to the balloon and right-click, after which the interface of the balloon will open. From there, you can pick up the items and read the letter. After you open the balloon interface, you will have exactly 24 hours to pick up all the items and read the letter (if you want to). If the owner has set the “View only” mode, then the ball will hang for a month, after which it will disappear. If the owner of the balloon has set the mode to “For a certain player”, then the balloon, as in the case of the usual mode, will hang in the air for a day after opening its interface.

GBCmvps02 in Minecraft Server

DANIL#0964 in Discord

Describe alternatives you've considered.

The chance of success does not always have to be monitored. You can define it at the very beginning so that it either disappears at the very beginning or appears in Orth after a while.



At the request of @Boy0000, I've added this to GitHub.

LukyLucas commented 2 years ago

My idea for a fancy pois fish has a mob drop for elastic skin which might be something you could incorporate into the recipe

Tkachenko-Danylo commented 2 years ago

My idea for a fancy pois fish has a mob drop for elastic skin which might be something you could incorporate into the recipe

Not a bad suggestion, but I don't see it in my idea. I hope for your understanding.

VaIienta commented 2 years ago

Whilst balloons would be an interesting mechanic for adventure, and after some talk with various staff and players, we don't see much purpose in implementing this - there is no real reason to ever use this. If you want to give a friend something then you would just give it to them by hand it is much easier and it could also lead to a lot of entity build up if there is just tons of balloons sat in Orth.

This being said, I know balloons are a highly wanted feature and I think there is some way of using them for personal gain in adventure it's just about finding an implementation where players will actually want to use it and is still balanced - but I think you should view it as this being a mechanic where players could take things back to Orth and have them protected in case they die on the way back up so they wouldn't lose valuable items they want to keep.

Tkachenko-Danylo commented 2 years ago

Whilst balloons would be an interesting mechanic for adventure, and after some talk with various staff and players, we don't see much purpose in implementing this - there is no real reason to ever use this. If you want to give a friend something then you would just give it to them by hand it is much easier and it could also lead to a lot of entity build up if there is just tons of balloons sat in Orth.

This being said, I know balloons are a highly wanted feature and I think there is some way of using them for personal gain in adventure it's just about finding an implementation where players will actually want to use it and is still balanced - but I think you should view it as this being a mechanic where players could take things back to Orth and have them protected in case they die on the way back up so they wouldn't lose valuable items they want to keep.

OK, I understand. I hope there is a decent implementation or reason to use this mechanic. I would also like to correct you in some places: the balls will not be in Orth at the same time. So, as I am also a programmer, although not in your field, but I also look from the perspective of a programmer and understand that this is too resource-intensive. The balls should immediately be near the edges of the Orth, and not hang in the air for hours. And, of course, you ask: but will they hang near the edges of the Orth? Here the question is already more serious, the only thing I came up with was to limit the time the balloon stays to a week or less. Thanks for the feedback.

VaIienta commented 2 years ago

Well that's the thing, if we used balloons for a personal use where it's only used to benefit yourself we wouldn't have to worry about that issue because you could just say the balloon was successfully retrieved in Orth and then it doesn't have to be displayed or anything. Also the fact the player would have to retrieve it themselves just isn't very interesting and a bit time-consuming and pointless after the first few times - just another reason that players wouldn't use the mechanic.

Tkachenko-Danylo commented 2 years ago

Well that's the thing, if we used balloons for a personal use where it's only used to benefit yourself we wouldn't have to worry about that issue because you could just say the balloon was successfully retrieved in Orth and then it doesn't have to be displayed or anything. Also the fact the player would have to retrieve it themselves just isn't very interesting and a bit time-consuming and pointless after the first few times - just another reason that players wouldn't use the mechanic.

As I already wrote, I hope that there is a reason to use them.