Based off a mix of Anime and common sense each area of the abyss will be listed with its time of day and a reason for the lighting.
1st Layer: much like orth it has a full day/night cycle
2nd layer: full day night cycle, even in the inverted forest, usually it is darker there but during the survival training we clearly see day and night
3rd layer: perma day, we never see it become dark in either Anime or manga and it has its own light
4th layer: permanight, never see it become day and is a mood setter for the "depths"
Nanachi's hut and feild of eternal fortunes: full day/night cycle
Based off a mix of Anime and common sense each area of the abyss will be listed with its time of day and a reason for the lighting.
1st Layer: much like orth it has a full day/night cycle 2nd layer: full day night cycle, even in the inverted forest, usually it is darker there but during the survival training we clearly see day and night 3rd layer: perma day, we never see it become dark in either Anime or manga and it has its own light 4th layer: permanight, never see it become day and is a mood setter for the "depths" Nanachi's hut and feild of eternal fortunes: full day/night cycle