MineMaarten / PneumaticCraft

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can't drag puzzle piece : Drone Condition Items/Liquid/Entity #754

Closed Lorenzo77 closed 8 years ago

Lorenzo77 commented 8 years ago


in the programmer, i cant drag this pieces : Drone Condition: Entity Drone Condition: Items Drone Condition: Liquid there is exactly 1 pixel active (for the drag) in the center but that' all, if i click and drag anywhere else on this pieces nothing work :(

just a little request here (cant undestand how to do it in the pull request ^^) : i miss something for drone debugging ... in almost all programming language there"s a console log or something like this ... maybe you can add a puzzle piece for outputing variable content or text in the minecraft console or in a text file ? or just have a debug mode tracing in the minecraft console the puzzle piece name currently active ... this can help to find problems. maybe it's me but i find this hard to undestand why my drone is not moving or why it's not doing this or that.

the deeper i go in PNC and the better i like it ... i have tons of ideas/requests but i'm sure you don't have tons of time ^^

MineMaarten commented 8 years ago

I'll look at the dragging bug.

As for the request, it sounds like #717 ? If not, separate issue please. Also, a pull request is only for coders, who intend to implement the feature for me, basically taking away the effort for me to code it.

And keep up the suggestions! Please try to keep them separate though, because that allows me to categorize them and check them individually. For instance, with the bug in this issue, say I resolved it, I can simply close the issue. But if another issue/suggestion is in there, that suggestion will be lost as it's closed. And I don't want to keep it open, because I'm then reading something I've done already. Which means I'd have to both fix and implement the feature at the same time, which isn't the approach I want to take (bug fixing has a higher priority than features). So all in all, separate issues :)

MineMaarten commented 8 years ago

I can't reproduce it I'm afraid. I tried both dragging them out of the panel, and when they are already in the program. For the record, which of these two didn't work?

Also, which version are you running?

Lorenzo77 commented 8 years ago

when i try to add them to the program (dragging them out of the panel)

thanks for the infos, i will take care !

MineMaarten commented 8 years ago

And PneumaticCraft version?

Lorenzo77 commented 8 years ago

the last build : PneumaticCraft-1.7.10-1.11.18-140-universal.jar

MineMaarten commented 8 years ago

Hmm ok... there was an issue with this in a previous version, caused by the scrollbar behind the panel. And I can reproduce it with that in mind.

Lorenzo77 commented 8 years ago

i have more intel, and yes i think you are right, because all the piece : Drone Condition: Entity Drone Condition: Items Drone Condition: Liquid Drone Condition: Pressure (didnt try this one before) are in the same colonne and all the 4 from the colonne dont work as expected.

if i aim and click a part of a piece in front of the scrollbar or to the right the panel close and i dont drag the piece (except for the dot in the center) ... but if i aim for the 2 or 3 pixels on the left i can drag it should i try to remove all the mods except PNC ?

MineMaarten commented 8 years ago

No, I have enough info, thanks! I can reproduce it, so from now on I can do any more tests if necessary :P.

MineMaarten commented 8 years ago

Ok, I think I've fixed it, but I'm not entirely sure, as I can't reliably reproduce the issue every time. Leave a comment in here if the new version does not fix it :)