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Compressing Iron Ingots #827

Closed JasonMcRay closed 8 years ago

JasonMcRay commented 8 years ago

Would it be possible to add support for couple of other "exploding" items to make compressed ingots? I am asking this since GregTech has moved TNT creation to be pain. And other explosion mechanics doesnt work.

Tested IC2 Dynamite - Obliterates the Iron Ingots GT Powderbarrel - Obliterates the Iron Ingots industrial TNT - Obliterates the Iron Ingots Tiny TNT (AE2) - Obliterates the Iron Ingots

Probably everything that can explode is not going to work.

Also on similiar note... how to get Compressed Iron Ingots on servers where TNT explosions are banned?

bookerthegeek commented 8 years ago

Tiny tnt

XFactHD commented 8 years ago

If tnt is banned, tiny tnt is most likely also banned.

bookerthegeek commented 8 years ago

Odd, due to tiny tnt having no block damage. If it is I would suggest asking the server administration to unban it

XFactHD commented 8 years ago

It does a little bit of block damage.

JasonMcRay commented 8 years ago

Well as i mentioned also Tiny TNT is not able to produce Compressed Ingots.

XFactHD commented 8 years ago

I know, I just wanted to mention this.

Forecaster commented 8 years ago

I would say that it's the server owners responsibility to provide an alternative way of getting compressed iron. Like buying it or something.

MineMaarten commented 8 years ago

Any regularly created explosion should work. It triggers an explosion event added by Forge. Please bug the authors of the mods of the explosion mechanics to trigger this event. I've already done so a long time ago for AE's tiny TNT, apparently they haven't implemented it still.

Meanwhile, Creeper explosions work fine