MineTheCube / MojangAPI

A easy-to-use PHP class for accessing official Mojang's API
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Getting false results on an open server #5

Open LEN-studios opened 7 years ago

LEN-studios commented 7 years ago

I am getting false results on a server that I tried pinging. The webpage just returns false. It is the Example.php code that I changed the server adress in. Please help.

MineTheCube commented 7 years ago


First, what's the IP you're trying to ping?

Then try adding this on top of the script (right after <?php):

ini_set('display_errors', true);

And re-run your script. If an error is shown, please give it me back.

If not, try this in another file:

echo 'They are both required to be true: ';
var_dump(is_resource(fsockopen("play.onecraft.fr", 25565, $errNo, $errStr, 3)));

And tell me what you got.

Zonigaru commented 7 years ago


I respond to the place of LEN-studios because I have the same problem.

ini_set('display_errors', true);

It doesn't show anything special.

echo 'They are both required to be true: ';
var_dump(is_resource(fsockopen("play.onecraft.fr", 25565, $errNo, $errStr, 3)));

I receive : True, True.

In "query" function :

// Send handshake
   $data = self::queryWriteData($socket, 0x09);

I receive : false, every time.

MineTheCube commented 7 years ago

What is your PHP version? Which server are you trying to query? Where is your script hosted?

Try to change queryWriteData function:

    private static function queryWriteData($socket, $command, $append = '')
        $command = pack('c*', 0xFE, 0xFD, $command, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04) . $append;
        $length  = strlen($command);

        $writeLength = fwrite($socket, $command, $length);
        if ($length !== $writeLength) {
            var_dump('Wrong length, got:', $writeLength, ', expected:', $length);
            return false;

        $data = fread($socket, 4096);
        if ($data === false or strlen($data) < 5 or $data[0] != $command[2]) {
            if ($data === false) {
                var_dump('Data was false');
            } else if (strlen($data) < 5) {
                var_dump('Unexpected data length: ', strlen($data));
            } else if ($data[0] != $command[2]) {
                var_dump('data[0] ≠ command[2], data was:', $data[0], ', command was:', $command[2]);
            return false;

        return substr($data, 5);

It should print where it failed.