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1.12.x #519

Closed kumohakasemk9 closed 8 months ago

kumohakasemk9 commented 9 months ago

Tiny fix recommendation for docs/gettingstarted/index.md 1 setupDecompWorkspace problem 2 runClient problem

Jonathing commented 9 months ago

1.12, but it's documentation so I'm not sure what to do with this. Leaving the decision up to @ChampionAsh5357

ChampionAsh5357 commented 9 months ago

These comments are not really documentation. Based on the comments made, it seems as though you have an error in your own buildscript. We have verified in the past (by which I mean within the last six months) that the gradle tasks work with some modification to the buildscript.

I will keep this open if you want to provide documentation towards the changes necessary to have it run. However, the current state requires more details and an actual understanding of the what could potentially be causing your issue.

kumohakasemk9 commented 9 months ago

According to https://github.com/MinecraftForge/Documentation/issues/520#issuecomment-1782202746, setupDecompWorkspace is deleted. And I will modify the pull request.

kumohakasemk9 commented 8 months ago

Thank you for helping! I will rewrite docs.

kumohakasemk9 commented 8 months ago

I copied From Zero to Modding section from 1.13.x. Those files look almost same.

$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kumohakasemk9/forgedocs-fork/1.12.x/docs/gettingstarted/index.md > file1
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MinecraftForge/Documentation/1.13.x/docs/gettingstarted/index.md > file2
$ diff file1 file2
< [files]: https://files.minecraftforge.net "Forge Files distribution site"
< 3. You can also run a dedicated server using the server run config, or `gradlew runServer`. This will launch the Minecraft server with its GUI.
> 3. You can also run a dedicated server using the server run config, or `gradlew runServer`. This will launch the Minecraft server with it's GUI.
ChampionAsh5357 commented 8 months ago

Ah, I was looking at the 1.15 one. Didn't realize that the 1.13 one was missing some info. It doesn't matter which one since they all use FG3, but copy the 1.15 edition please.

Apologies for the misunderstanding

kumohakasemk9 commented 8 months ago

Thank you for review. I copied docs from MinecraftForge/Documentation/edit/1.15.x/docs/gettingstarted/index.md. But I am confused that I should replace only From 0 to modding or entire file. However, 1.15.x docs looked so nice and I did entire file replacement.

kumohakasemk9 commented 8 months ago

Thank you very much.