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Is LanguageRegistry necessary in 1.7? #258

Closed immibis closed 10 years ago

immibis commented 11 years ago

Now that mods can easily include their own language files, and automatically support multiple languages if the user has a language pack supporting them, LanguageRegistry isn't necessary. Perhaps consider deprecating it?

cpw commented 11 years ago

Indeed. Will deprecate for removal in 1.7..

immibis commented 10 years ago

"But there is not a reliable way to inject multiple languages into the server at the minute. I'm thinking about this."

What do servers use language data for?

GUIpsp commented 10 years ago

Well, LP uses a language-hack to be able to provide names of items to computercraft.

Lunatrius commented 10 years ago

Localization shouldn't be done on the server, the client will always show things in the same locale as the server which seems counter productive (could simply hardcode the names into a String class).

cpw commented 10 years ago

Example: the dirtchest9000 guide book. It is generated on the server, not the client..

immibis commented 10 years ago

What currently loads the .lang files on the server?

yuuka-miya commented 10 years ago

@Lunatrius get the client locale when it's connecting to the server, remember which clients are in which languages, then send over the correct String from the locale files.

diesieben07 commented 10 years ago

@luacs1998 why on earth would you do that? Just send the unlocalized string you want to display and let the client translate it. That saves you from all the hassle of patching Minecraft to load multiple languages at one, etc.

HoBoS-TaCo commented 10 years ago

@diesieben07 What about server-only mods?

diesieben07 commented 10 years ago

@HoBoS-TaCo ChatMessageComponent.createFromTranslationKey or in 1.7: new ChatComponentTranslation(...)

Lunatrius commented 10 years ago

What @luacs1998 said seems like unnecessary work. ChatComponentTranslation won't work with server only mods though. The client has no way of knowing what the translation keys are mapped to, unless you actually use a resource pack for the translations.

yuuka-miya commented 10 years ago

I'm more than aware of that hence my proposed solution. Either that or transmit the langs to the client on first login ( which is worse). If the client doesn't know what to display, you tell the client. Simple.

immibis commented 10 years ago

Perhaps things that are not translated should not use the translation system. In the case of a server-only mod, send a ChatComponentText with your message (in some default language which is probably en_US)

Using translations on the server seems like an abuse of the translation system.

GUIpsp commented 10 years ago

Not if you need to perform operations server side on the names

Lunatrius commented 10 years ago

It just made click in my head when I remembered about AE.

immibis commented 10 years ago

@GUIpsp: What sort of operations?

@Lunatrius: AE shouldn't need access to translated names on the server anywhere - it can send the client the untranslated names - but I can see how it would be helpful to save bandwidth, as without it, the entire list of items has to be sent to the client when you open an access terminal.

cpw commented 10 years ago

Yes, I think that I'll keep the language loading in the server. I'll probably get the client to send its localization setting to the server, so mods can use it..

cpw commented 10 years ago

I think that I'll try and make I18n available on the server somehow, or something..

Kobata commented 10 years ago

There's a vanilla bug report about one of the few spots that still looks up translations by default on the server (death messages): MC-25187

Really the server should not be relying on translated names anywhere, but even Mojang hasn't gotten that right yet.

cpw commented 10 years ago

The problem is things like the dirtchest book, ae filtering. You can't sensibly make them work as intended with only client side translation.. I think making the localisation of the client available at the server so mods that want to get translated names, can, is the best solution..

immibis commented 10 years ago

https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FML/commit/7c5d62704ac1d3e586f3bfe26265a534e5362c73 - why 1.8?

cpw commented 10 years ago

Because we already have 1.7..

immibis commented 10 years ago

Is Forge/FML stable for 1.7 now?

immibis commented 10 years ago

Also if the server is going to be hardcoded to en_US, why bother with translations instead of just hardcoding strings? Never mind, misread that part of the code, sorry.

cpw commented 10 years ago

I think its/mostly stable yes.

immibis commented 10 years ago

It's not the recommended download, so I assumed it was still not officially stable. Okay.

LexManos commented 10 years ago

Forge is stable, the only thing a RB is waiting on is King to get time to finish liquids. Everything else is good to go.

cpw commented 10 years ago

7c5d62704ac1d3e586f3bfe26265a534e5362c73 ?

cpw commented 10 years ago

Closing, it will be required to have the language registry in some form for the foreseeable future.

immibis commented 10 years ago

Okay. The now-deprecated methods can still be removed though?