MinecraftForge / ForgeGradle

Minecraft mod development framework used by Forge and FML for the gradle build system
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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ApplyFernFlowerTask not respecting gradle.properties JVM setting #414

Closed radfast closed 7 years ago

radfast commented 7 years ago

Problem: Hardcoded to "-Xmx3G" here:


Result: if the user sets different JVM settings in gradle.properties, the user settings will be used by tasks until the :decompileMC task is reached. :decompileMC executes ApplyFernFlowerTask and so uses this hard-coded JVM setting. This will cause a crash, if -Xmx3G is not good for the user's machine.

LexManos commented 7 years ago

It splits it if you don't have enough ram. There is also a flag to disable this because people complained. There are many options. It isn't going to change

radfast commented 7 years ago

It appears that #405 and #407 may be the only documentation for the "flag to disable this". :/ Linking in case this helps someone else.