MinecraftForge / ForgeGradle

Minecraft mod development framework used by Forge and FML for the gradle build system
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Deobsfucate Minecraft without applying Forge patches or importing Forge code #582

Closed chexo3 closed 5 years ago

chexo3 commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to decompile and deobsfucate minecraft, but it seems like MCP packaging has fallen by the way side. The mappings are there, MCPBot exists of course, but how do I use them? I don't want to use Forge right now, I just want to apply Notch > SRG > MCP mappings to a modern version of Minecraft.

williewillus commented 5 years ago

you can set up a forge dev environment (the environment used to work on forge itself), which will give you two decompiled codebases: one "clean" MCP deobfuscated one, and one with forge patches applied.

Though, for all purposes, MCP is basically an inseparable part of forge now.

LexManos commented 5 years ago

Do not create jar mods. MCP as a tool chain has been dead for ages. Let jar modding die. if you just want to read vanilla code. then the are many tools that deobf jars.

chexo3 commented 5 years ago

I'm not trying to make a jar mod. I'm trying to make a launchwrapper tweaker. And as far as I'm concerned, before 1.6 forge was a jar mod. Thank you Vincent.

LexManos commented 5 years ago

Better, but you still shouldn't be coremodding. And yes, Forge's job is to be the one that edits the base classes so.you dont have to. It originally started put as a jar mod, but things evolve. You can even load those old versions without modifying the jar now. So there is no reason to jar mod.

chexo3 commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to get unmodified code so I can use a tweaker to modify the base classes. I don't want to use Forge for this, I want to write my own code here.