Closed dries007 closed 10 years ago
This is a philosophy thing for @LexManos
No, there are methods you can do to setup a editable minecraft code base you can use in dev world. However we will not hold your hand for this. If you are to lazy, or do not know your own tools well enough to setup this, then you are not responsible enough to have access to it. We WILL NEVER return editable/deployable MC base edit functionality to ForgeGradle.
Again, I repeat you CAN still do it, you just have to set it up yourself, but WE will NEVER support it.
Its just not practical or easy to use. I don't want to have to figure out how FG works to do this, I didn't have too before (with Forge, GMCP or MCP). Why should I all of a sudden have to become a guru to be able to add a stupid println. If all code was properly documented and if it all worked like you'd expect, this wouldn't be as necessary. But its MC, it will never be documented or do what is expected 100% of the time. I agree that you shouldn't provide the ability to build and distribute the base edits, but I don't get why it needs to be so hard/time consuming/annoying to just setup a fully featured dev workspace all of a sudden. I guess we will all have to go back to our own way of doing it instead of using a more standardized approach.
You do realize to get an editable env, you just checkout forge git, and run gradle setupForge eclipse, right?
That project can be used as a surrogate for forge. Don't use it to build distributable mod setups - it wont do that. But for debug in eclipse, it works fine. Not exactly rocket science is it?
No it's not cpw, and that's my point. It's just that people like dries here like to bitch and complain instead of doing there own research. The small amount of effort required to get a editable project setup in such a way that it is completely separate from the normal mod environment is ment as a deterrent and a safegaurd against the wrong types of people gaining access and doing shit wrong. Because back when we made it easy, everyone and there brother were create base editing mods, and coremods that just wiped out the files. Because it was EASY and they couldn't be bothered to look past the copy/paste.
I would really like the ability to edit the Minecraft sources. It is just easy to throw in a few println things or comment out some MC code when debugging. I get that you are not supposed to make basemods, but having to setup a second workspace just to mess with the MC source is a waist of time.
I don't mind it not being possible by default, but just add an option please. You have: "setupDevWorkspace" (witch isn't all that useful since you can't see the MC source and thus can't trace anything or find out what a method does) and "setupDecompWorkspace" (witch is fine for anyone who doesn't want to mess with the MC code but would like to see what's going on behind the screens). Why not add "setupSourceWorkspace" so people can mess around?
In its current restricted form ForgeGradle isn't a complete replacement for the old ways, how can you then expect people to migrate from the old to the new without protest.
I hope you guys consider this.