MinecraftForge / ForgeGradle

Minecraft mod development framework used by Forge and FML for the gradle build system
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Add ability to mark client config as authenticated using DevLogin #896

Closed ApexModder closed 1 year ago

ApexModder commented 1 year ago

This PR brings the ability to mark client run configs as being authenticated. These configs use Covers1624 DevLogin tool to login & authenticate against Mojangs account servers on launch.

See here for more details on DevLogin.

I have added Covers maven repo to be able to pull in the DevLogin jar, and have needed to change the main class for the client run config generated to net.covers1624.devlogin.DevLogin aswell as append a new program arg --launch_target <original main>. [Following the wiki as a setup guide]

To mark a config as being authenticated the user must specify authenticated in their gradle file like so

minecraft {
    runs {
        client {
            // ...
            // ...
marchermans commented 1 year ago

I am sorry to say, but this won't be accepted. We have a policy to not integrate external uncontrolled projects into ours.

Besides this, we hope to introduce extension support on runs in FG6, but that is still a bit out.