Closed MartinTintin3 closed 2 years ago
Minecraft 1.8.9 uses LWJGL2, while 1.12 uses LWJGL3. I have sound with both versions. Can you post your instance logs here? This is likely an issue with your specific setup (external sound device, some app, etc.)
Have you tried creating a new instance and running it completely vanilla, without any mods? I don't see anything interesting in your logs, sadly.
Yep, still doesn't work. Maybe it has something to do with the version of Java 8 im using(Azul Zulu). This is the only error that appears for the completely vanilla instance:
[22:02:25] [Client thread/ERROR]: Error while loading the narrator : java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /private/var/folders/g8/hsy5g3915r51l4jr4jgvb_h00000gn/T/jna--1224898674/jna447012736680771236.tmp: dlopen(/private/var/folders/g8/hsy5g3915r51l4jr4jgvb_h00000gn/T/jna--1224898674/jna447012736680771236.tmp, 0x0001): tried: '/private/var/folders/g8/hsy5g3915r51l4jr4jgvb_h00000gn/T/jna--1224898674/jna447012736680771236.tmp' (fat file, but missing compatible architecture (have 'i386,x86_64', need 'arm64e')), '/usr/lib/jna447012736680771236.tmp' (no such file)
Can you retry using the latest version of ManyMC? There have been a few updates that may hopefully address this.
OMG THANK YOU!! yes it finally works
@ViRb3 wait can you show the commits that actually fixed this? I want to see what was the issue
I don't have a specific fix, but I re-built the latest version of OpenAL, which was updated 5 days ago :) Here's the build that ManyMC uses:
alright thanks
I noticed that whenever I use minecraft versions that use LWJGL 2 not 3(Like 1.8 and 1.12), there is no sound. This isn't specific to ManyMC(This is happening on Lunar Client too), but I thought that this was the only suitable place where people talk about these kinds of things. I think this is an issue OpenAL, not sure though