Open OutcastZeroOne opened 6 years ago
Also, isnt saltpeter and niter the same thing? niter is now used as a major source for Potassium nitrate which is what used to be called saltpeter.
Some ideas for potential recipes/events: Sulfer + phosphorus + gunpowder = blaze powder Sulfer + phosphorus + lithium powder = glowstone dust lithium explodes in contact with water salt + raw meat to make jerky (unless food mod present with recipe) phosphorus + magnesium dust + paper = flare (only lasts a few min before burning out, but high brightness enough to possibly set mobs on fire) aluminum dust + iron dust + gunpowder + glass bottle = thermite bomb. splash area fire damage item
Saltpeter and niter while often used as interchangeable terms, are in fact chemically different, even though they are very similar, think like sodium chloride and potassium chloride.
Niter/Nitre is Saltpeter, but with lots of impurities mixed in with the crystals. Saltpeter has been used, variously, over the years to refer to both Sodium Nitrate and Potassium Nitrate so we provide both - and should probably also provide Potash as well.
We do.... xD
like with how in base metals, tools and armore and blocks where added for all the metals, what about the possibility for adding basic recipies with the minerals like a flare that burns out after a few min and despawns or adding a recipe to make glowstone dust