MinecraftModDevelopmentMods / Extra-Golems

Forge mod that adds dozens of golems to Minecraft
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Golems not being removed/deleted via datapacks #133

Open Wackywee opened 2 months ago

Wackywee commented 2 months ago

Why can I only remove the quark charcoal golem via datapack? I put the other ones I want to remove in the same directory, and all of the following directories and it doesnt work. (Integration_Pack is the name of my datapack)

Integration_Pack\data\golems\golems\golem_stats Integration_Pack\data\golems\extragolems\golems\golems\golem_stats Integration_Pack\data\golems\extragolems\golems\golem_stats Integration_Pack\data\golems\extragolems\golem_stats Integration_Pack\data\golems\golem_stats Integration_Pack\data\extragolems\golem_stats Integration_Pack\data\extragolems\golems\golem_stats Integration_Pack\data\extragolems\golems\golems\golem_stats

I think the directory in your wiki is incorrect. Here is the composition of each .json: { "attributes": {} }

Thank you for any help.

skyjay1 commented 2 months ago

data/golems/golems is the correct directory for the charcoal golem in your version. For other golems added by quark, you need to use the data/quark/golems directory https://github.com/MinecraftModDevelopmentMods/Extra-Golems/tree/master-1.19.3/src/main/resources/golems_addon_quark/data/quark/golems

Wackywee commented 2 months ago

data/golems/golems is the correct directory for the charcoal golem in your version. For other golems added by quark, you need to use the data/quark/golems directory https://github.com/MinecraftModDevelopmentMods/Extra-Golems/tree/master-1.19.3/src/main/resources/golems_addon_quark/data/quark/golems

Sorry for the confusion, I was referring to the golems added by default, not quark. Such as the wool, deepslate, andesite, etc.

skyjay1 commented 2 months ago


This is the correct path for 1.16.5 through 1.19.3. If you are using 1.20.1, the wiki is not updated yet.

Please verify the data pack is loaded in-game with the /datapack list command

Also when you say it “doesn’t work” do you mean that the golem can still be built? Or do you mean it shows up in the guide book? The latter can be resolved by adding ”hidden”: true to the JSON

Wackywee commented 2 months ago

I'm using version 1.19.2, and my datapack is enabled. I have all features from it except the golems being disabled, as shown by this in the log that was printed following the /datapack list command [file/Integration_Pack (world)]

By doesn't work I mean the golems can still be built, which leads me to believe I would also be unable to change their attributes

Of additional note, your mentioned file path does work with my attempts to remove the charcoal golem.