MinecraftModDevelopmentMods / MMDLib

new MMDLib
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: #41

Open jusitnboggs opened 5 years ago

jusitnboggs commented 5 years ago

Not sure if I should also post this over at Tcon or not but here we go.

Minecraft crashes while loading.


dshadowwolf commented 5 years ago

see #23 - I had thought this resolved, so...

dshadowwolf commented 5 years ago

Okay, seems it is a load-ordering issue - likely resolved in local, will wait to close this until -rc3 and a confirmation its not occurring any longer.

LDAsuku commented 5 years ago

I think the issue is Base Minerals. All the other MMD mods (Base/Nether/End/Modern Metals) have been updated to -rc2, but Base Minerals is still -rc1. Removing Base Minerals fixed the problem for me.

dshadowwolf commented 5 years ago

...okay, I thought we'd updated it, seems it was missed, somehow - give me a few and I'll fix that.

dshadowwolf commented 5 years ago

Okay, update for BaseMinerals pushed out - real fix is to handle load-ordering properly, though (that's queued for MMDLib -rc3) - will close if you confirm updating BaseMinerals works.

LDAsuku commented 5 years ago

The issue doesn't seem to be resolved. But after further inspection, the issue is beyond just BaseMinerals. I'm still getting this crash, but the game starts up fine if I remove one of either AE2, Construct's Armory, or BaseMetals, the first two of which I'm assuming are totally unrelated. So it must be a load-ordering issue, like you said?

Edit: That's the wrong crash report. Here's the real one.

YaibaToKen commented 5 years ago

I can confirm it's a load order issue, caused by MMDLib loading before ConArm and trying to use the stats ConArm adds before these being registered.

MxtressMyxx commented 5 years ago

I too am getting this error as of today. Disabling the integration with tcon/conarm via config seems to be the only fix until rc3, I assume? (this works - mostly just leaving this comment to sub to the thread for updates on the fix)

dshadowwolf commented 5 years ago

Sorry folks, been quite busy doing work I'm being paid for or there would probably have been an -rc3 that fixed this and several other issues.

MxtressMyxx commented 5 years ago

Sorry folks, been quite busy doing work I'm being paid for or there would probably have been an -rc3 that fixed this and several other issues.

No worries! I have a workaround for now - ores are obtainable but tinker/conarm integrations are disabled. I'm just subscribed to remind myself to re-enable when this updates.

Thanks for your efforts.

YaibaToKen commented 4 years ago

Ok so... MMDLib is attempting to register armor part stats before ConArm registers them... This might be caused due to our listeners being called before ConArm's... No way to know till I dig a bit deeper in our code, which I'm hoping to do next week, as real life demands aren't in my favour right now.

dshadowwolf commented 4 years ago

It is a load-order thing - There is a simple change that I think is already queued for the next release