MinecraftModDevelopmentMods / MMDLib

new MMDLib
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
6 stars 9 forks source link

Problem client side #62

Closed Maverick044 closed 3 years ago

Maverick044 commented 3 years ago

So, I'm trying to setup a forge server using TiC, MMDlib, Base Metals, and Orespawn..

My server starts up just fine, but when I attempt to log into the server the client is rejected by the server saying

Base metals requires version 2.5.0-cr2 but mod is not found on client MMDlib requires version 1.0.0-cr2 but mod is not found on client Orespawn requires version 3.3.1 but mod is not found on client

All 3 of the mod files are in my mod folder and they are the exact same versions that are on the server...

I am completely lost here since this makes no sense to me and I cannot find any info as to what may be causing this. any suggestions or help here would be greatly appreciated.

thanks and happy belated new year to you all Screenshot Screenshot2

dshadowwolf commented 3 years ago

Odd, but... I've never seen "Mods" (capital "M") - always "mods" (lowercase "m") - and Minecraft (and, hence, Forge) is case sensitive about things like this.

Maverick044 commented 3 years ago

I'll see if that is an issue... oddly, when I check the loaded mods in game, neither of the 3 mentioned mods are listing

Update: changing the capital M to lowercase did not solve the problem sadly... the game itself is installed in a custom directory on my machine since I do not keep anything other than my OS on my main drive hence the "M" in minecraft.. but I doubt that the mods would fail to function because they are not in the default install directory on the C drive...

and I've hit a proverbial wall...

Update 2: Disregard... I figured out the problem... it was where I had copies of the mod files... facepalm should have thought about that...

thank you for shaking the cobwebs out of my brain..

happy new year to you

dshadowwolf commented 3 years ago

No problem - I figured it was that the mods weren't being found - took a guess with the folder name. Glad my guess did help find the problem, though.