MinecraftModDevelopmentMods / ModernMetals

Modern Metals Mod
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
9 stars 6 forks source link

TiCon tools made of Modern Metals are not repairable in tool station #102

Closed knoxhack closed 5 years ago

knoxhack commented 6 years ago


knoxhack commented 6 years ago

Pickaxe made out of Iron: https://puu.sh/A31vO/5eb76e7ac0.png Pickaxe made out of Boron: https://puu.sh/A31w0/fc2d8d8626.png

Tools are still repairable if you use a sharpening kit.

dshadowwolf commented 6 years ago

TiCon integration in ModernMetals is known to be buggy and is probably tied to the unholy mess that the system is, ATM

YaibaToKen commented 5 years ago

Should probably close this as it no longer seems to be an issue, at least as of the 17th of October of 2018, using the latest versions available at this point, on CurseForge.
