MinecraftPortCentral / Cauldron-Issues

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TileEntities.yml #162

Open LCAdmin opened 9 years ago

LCAdmin commented 9 years ago

What does TileEntities.yml do exactly? I'm not sure how tileentities.yml affects blocks. I'm afraid that what it's doing is delaying all of that blocks requests for each tick until x ticks instead of what we're really trying to achieve. What were trying to achieve is make it so that it only attempts to make requests every x ticks, and I think what's really happening is that it's still making requests every tick, but just delaying the response to those requests.

vico93 commented 9 years ago

This rep and (of course) Cauldron (official) developement is dead since wolvereness's bukkit DCMA.

BUT, we have a lifeboat: KCauldron: https://gitlab.prok.pw/Prototik/KCauldron [OFFLINE NOW, But i'm monitoring on twitter to see when it will come online again] Download the KCauldron build in Yive Mirror (http://tcpr.ca/cauldron). If the issue persists, login and repost the issue in that rep!