Minecrell / ServerListPlus

A flexible Minecraft plugin to customize the appearance of your server in the server list
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Incompatible Version? #335

Closed ChitterChatter closed 3 years ago

ChitterChatter commented 3 years ago

Hi there,

This is a screenie of our MOTD.


Our hover thingies work, but I am wondering how to change the config so that something is displayed where the Incompatible Version is - it would normally be the ping right?

I am just not quite sure what to change or what to put in along with where to put it to make that go away and have the server version there or whatever.

Here is my config:


iGabyTM commented 3 years ago


    - '&1&k!&9 Folositi 1.16.4+ &1&k!&r'
    - '&2&k!&a Folositi 1.16.4+ &2&k!&r'
    - '&3&k!&b Folositi 1.16.4+ &3&k!&r'
    - '&4&k!&c Folositi 1.16.4+ &4&k!&r'
    - '&5&k!&d Folositi 1.16.4+ &5&k!&r'
    - '&6&k!&e Folositi 1.16.4+ &6&k!&r'
    Protocol: 754 # https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Protocol_version

This is what I use to display a message saying that you have to use 1.16.4+ when pinging the server with an older client, the Protocol part is the ID for 1.16.5 (since both are the same).

athkiasaris1 commented 3 years ago

You can't change that, I think.

stephan-gh commented 3 years ago

The outdated version is a side effect of using the custom player slots feature, please read https://github.com/Minecrell/ServerListPlus/wiki/Player-Slots#problems carefully.