Minecrell / ServerListPlus

A flexible Minecraft plugin to customize the appearance of your server in the server list
GNU General Public License v3.0
236 stars 60 forks source link

Server icon doesnt change #349

Closed Espinete1987 closed 3 years ago

Espinete1987 commented 3 years ago

Hello, i found this plugin becouse i cant change the picture of my server lobby, i have changed time ago once, and now i simply cant, i have removed all the server-icon.png in 64x64 in the server folder, and it still showing the last one, doesnt matters what i do.

Im using your last version of plugin, and MC 1.15.2

So i came here to ask if im doing something wrong, or even your plugin cant change the picture of my server, but the enable and disable, and the text, it does.

So here is the config

--- !Status
  - |-
    &aA Minecraft Server.
    &7Now with [&a&lPvP&7], [&a&lMinigames&7], and much more!
  - |-
    &aA Minecraft Server.
    &eWe have updated our server to &lMinecraft 1.8&e!
    - |-
      &aWelcome to &lA Minecraft Server&a!
      &aCurrently &e&l%online% &aplayers are playing on our server!
  - |-
    &aA Minecraft Culo. &7|  &eHello, &l%player%!
    &7Now with [&a&lPvP&7], [&a&lMinigames&7], and much more!
  - |-
    &aA Minecraft Network. &7|  &eHello, &l%player%!
    &eWe have updated our server to &lMinecraft 1.8&e!
    - |-
      &aWelcome back, &l%player%&a!
      &aCurrently &e&l%online% &aplayers are playing on our server!
    # The file names here should be relative to the plugin folder.
    - favicon1.png
    - favicon2.png"
Here is the folder [url=https://ibb.co/8jRbKvJ][img]https://i.ibb.co/HrMCFw0/afsdfsf.jpg[/img][/url]

I also have tried with folder way
  - |-
    &aA Minecraft Culote. &7|  &eHello, &l%player%!
    &7Now with [&a&lPvP&7], [&a&lMinigames&7], and much more!
  - |-
    &aA Minecraft Network. &7|  &eHello, &l%player%!
    &eWe have updated our server to &lMinecraft 1.8&e!
    - |-
      &aWelcome back, &l%player%&a!
      &aCurrently &e&l%online% &aplayers are playing on our server!
    # The file names here should be relative to the plugin folder.
    - icons


I try to disable, reload, enable and nothing >.< I have used this page http://www.xiconeditor.com/ and also another I have tried different picture also.

Lets see if you can help me please, thanks

stephan-gh commented 3 years ago

You added the Favicon: below Personalized, which means it will only be applied if the plugin knows your IP. Don't you want it under Default instead?

Espinete1987 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the quick answer Minecrell, my question is, does it matters where you put it? i mean if you join in the server and leave, the server already would know my ip and would make the favicon works, right? I did the test entering and leaving, using also 2 computers, reloading disabling enabling etc and nothing What happened today is the picture have dissapear when i start up everything, after that, no change... https://streamable.com/c3fq1h And then i have the process from zero in this video https://streamable.com/yb4p8g

I hope you can help me, this is ridiculous problem that is taking me days >.< , not your fault but i dont understand why the standar way of minecraft server doesnt work >.<

stephan-gh commented 3 years ago

Your setup looks correct to me. Have you checked the server log for errors?

Espinete1987 commented 3 years ago

Yes i realiced, but then i when to find solutions and one of the guy say, after i have the .ico file, i open it with paint, save to .png and then send it to the server, not to change it once is in the server... and it WORKED! so... as always silly things... Thank you for your attention, you have helped me to discard errors and guided me to the solution ;)