Minecrell / ServerListPlus

A flexible Minecraft plugin to customize the appearance of your server in the server list
GNU General Public License v3.0
235 stars 60 forks source link

slp crashes when i modify config in any way #403

Closed NexusSfan closed 11 months ago

NexusSfan commented 11 months ago

Info: I use Paper 1.20.1

this is my modified config:

# ServerListPlus v3.5.0 - https://git.io/slp
# More information is available in the wiki: https://git.io/slp-wiki

# This is the section where you can customize your server status ping!
#  - Default is the section for the status used when the player name is unknown.
#    Personalized is used if the client has already joined the server once.
#    Use %player% as placeholder for the player's name.
# Features:
#  - Description (MotD): A short status message for your server, max. 2 lines.
#  - Players:
#    - Hover: The player hover message that is displayed if you hover the player count.
#    - Slots: Custom player slot formatting, see http://git.io/slp-slots
#  - Favicon:
#    - Use multiple server icons or the player's head as favicon, see http://git.io/oMhJlg
#    - Possible favicon sources: Files, Folders, URLs, Heads, Helms, Encoded
#  More features are explained in the Wiki: http://git.io/slp-config
# Usage:
#  - Add multiple entries for random messages.
#  - You can use formatting codes (&c, &l etc) and hex RGB color codes (&#rrggbb).
#  - Save the file with valid UTF-8 encoding for special characters.
#  - Available placeholders:
#    - Player name: %player%
#    - Player count: %online%, %max%, %online@server% %online@world%
#    - Random online player name: %random_player%
#    - Ban reason: %ban_reason%
#    - Ban operator: %ban_operator%
#    - Ban experiation date: %ban_expiration_date%, %ban_expiration_datetime%
--- !Status
  - |-
    &r&aThe&r&1 NexusSfan&r&4 Server&r -&r&r
    &rCreeper? Aw Man!&r
  - |-
    &aA Minecraft Server.
    &eNow running the latest &lMinecraft &eversion!
  - |-
    &a&#45bf55A Minecraft &#0288d1Server.
    &e%gradient#ffbe00#f4511e%Now with RGB colors. Nice!%gradient%
    - |-
      &aWelcome to &lA Minecraft Server&a!
      &aCurrently &e&l%online%/%max% &aplayers are playing on our server!
-   |-
  - &r&aThe&r&1 NexusSfan&r&4 Server&r -&r&r
    &rCustomization test&r
  - |-
    &aA Minecraft Server. &7|  &eHello, &l%player%!
    &eNow running the latest &lMinecraft &eversion!
  - |-
    &a&#45bf55A Minecraft &#0288d1Server.
    &e%gradient#ffbe00#f4511e%Now with RGB colors. Hello %player%!%gradient%
    - |-
      &aWelcome back, &l%player%&a!
      &aCurrently &e&l%online%/%max% &aplayers are playing on our server!

# PlayerTracking: Enable/disable tracking of player names to their IP-Addresses.
#   - Persistence can be disabled with the toggle in the Storage section.
# StripRGBIfOutdated: Strip RGB color codes for outdated clients.
#   - With this enabled you can put an old color code (e.g. &c) before RGB codes/gradients
#     and they will be shown for outdated clients.
# Unknown: Placeholder replacement if the real value is unknown.
# Favicon: Options for the creation / downloading of favicons:
#  - RecursiveFolderSearch: Also search for favicons in sub directories.
#  - SkinSource: The URL to get the Minecraft Skins from. (%s -> player name)
#  - ResizeStrategy: The strategy used to resize too small or too big favicons.
#      NONE (keep them as is, will probably fail), SCALE (scale them to the correct size)
--- !Plugin
  Enabled: true
  Storage: !JSONStorage
    Enabled: true
    SaveDelay: 5m
StripRGBIfOutdated: true
  PlayerName: player
  PlayerCount: ???
  Date: ???
  BanReason: some reason
  BanOperator: somebody
  BanExpirationDate: never
  Timeout: 10s
  RecursiveFolderSearch: false
  ResizeStrategy: SCALE

# This section is only for the Bukkit plugin of ServerListPlus.
# ProtocolLib: (DISABLE|AUTO|ENABLE) Decides if ProtocolLib should be used by ServerListPlus.
#   Generally, AUTO (the default) is a good choice: ProtocolLib is used on Spigot for
#   full functionality, but disabled on Paper because it is not needed there.
#   Note that this might cause other plugins that make use of ProtocolLib to overwrite
#   the changes made by ServerListPlus. In that case, try setting ENABLE instead.
--- !Bukkit
ProtocolLib: AUTO

whenever i try to modify the original config the PLUGIN JUST never works at all. when trying to run /slp it says

An internal error occurred while attempting to run this command.

my plugins:

CommandSpy, EssentialsX, EssentialsXChat, EssentialsXSpawn, FastAsyncWorldEdit, floodgate, Geyser Spigot, Projectile Knockback, ProtocolLib, ServerListPlus (not working), Shopkeepers, ViaBackwards, ViaVersion, ViaRewind

i want cool motd but it fail!!!

NexusSfan commented 11 months ago

closed: apparently copy and paste doesn't work so i did it manually it worked.