Whoopsies! An unhandled exception has occurred.
It appears that the crash occurred while executing code from the "minemaker0430.gddp_integration" mod. Please submit this crash report to its developers (Minemaker0430) for assistance.
== Installed Mods ==
x | [v1.0.5] abb2k.backup
x | [v1.1.1] adyagd.godlikefaces
x | [v1.1.3] adyagd.ingamelistmod
x | [v1.1.2] alphalaneous.projectedstars
x | [v1.0.2] arkane.dl-team-icons
x | [v1.6.0] beat.click-sound
x | [v1.0.2] bitz.moregames
x | [v1.0.2] blueblock6.cleanstartpos
x | [v1.0.0] capeling.colored_level_info_bg
x | [v1.1.4] capeling.demons_in_garage_2.2
x | [v1.0.5] capeling.gamemode_picker
x | [v1.1.4] capeling.icon_profile_2.2
x | [v1.0.2] capeling.icon_randomizer
x | [v1.0.0] capeling.usable_explorers
x | [v1.0.0] cdc.level_thumbnails
x | [v1.0.1] colon.gold_user_coins
x | [v1.5.1] coopeeo.customname
x | [v1.0.0] creo.color_unlock_hack
x | [v1.0.0] creo.music_unlock_hack
x | [v4.1.2] cvolton.betterinfo
x | [v1.0.0] cvolton.compact_lists
x | [v1.3.0] dankmeme.globed2
x | [v1.5.0] egg.icon_hack
x | [v1.0.1] elnexreal.auto_priority
x | [v1.6.1] elohmrow.death_tracker
x | [v1.3.1] elsai.a_daily_shop
x | [v1.0.3] elsai.copyright_remover_for_main_levels
x | [v2.5.2] fleym.nongd
x | [v1.2.16] gdutilsdevs.gdutils
x | [v1.5.2] geode.custom-keybinds
x | [v2.0.0-beta.21] geode.loader
x | [v1.7.1] geode.node-ids
x | [v1.5.0] geode.texture-loader
x | [v1.4.0] hiimjustin000.integrated_demonlist
x | [v6.3.3] hjfod.betteredit
x | [v1.0.1] hjfod.quick-volume-controls
x | [v1.1.0] itzkiba.grandpa_demon
| [v1.0.0] itzkiba.id_hyperlinks
x | [v1.2.0] khronophobia.more_settings_button
x | [v1.1.0] khronophobia.shortcuts_menu
x | [v1.2.2] legowiifun.unlisted_objects_in_editor
x | [v0.1.5] lexi.visiblecheckpoints
x | [v1.2.0] m336.levelinfo
x | [v1.0.2] mat.run-info
x | [v1.0.0-beta.8] minemaker0430.gddp_integration
x | [v1.1.1] ml5.treasure-checklist
x | [v1.0.2] nytelyte.wave_trail_drag_fix
x | [v1.4.0-beta.1] oatmealine.nlw_integration
| [v1.1.0] polsk.level_quests
x | [v1.0.0] polsk.pause_settings
| [v1.0.3] saumondeluxe.rainbow_icon
x | [v1.2.1] shineua.minecraft_splash
x | [v1.0.2] slammy333.save_button
x | [v1.0.5] sofabeddd.colored_icon_kit
x | [v1.0.1] thesillydoggo.animatedprofiles
x | [v1.0.0-beta.5] thesillydoggo.comment_emojis
x | [v1.6.9] thesillydoggo.entersearch
x | [v2.2.4] TheSillyDoggo.GradientPages
x | [v1.0.3] thesillydoggo.icon_kit_switcher
x | [v1.6.6] tpdea.betterpause-Better
x | [v1.9.0] undefined0.gdtweaks
x | [v1.0.0] uproxide.accupracatt
x | [v1.1.2] uproxide.geodedevelopers
| [v3.0.0] user95401.profile_image
x | [v1.0.4] weebify.coins_in_pause_menu
x | [v1.0.3] weebify.level_info_in_pause_menu
x | [v1.1.1] weebify.restartbtn
2024-03-04T18:52:24+0100 Whoopsies! An unhandled exception has occurred. It appears that the crash occurred while executing code from the "minemaker0430.gddp_integration" mod. Please submit this crash report to its developers (Minemaker0430) for assistance.
== Geode Information == Loader Version: v2.0.0-beta.21 Loader Commit: 06afbb8 Bindings Commit: ff44163 Installed mods: 67 Problems: 0
== Exception Information == Faulty Module: C:\Users\pc\Downloads\Descargar GD\Geometry Dash 2.204 Geode\geode\unzipped\minemaker0430.gddp_integration\minemaker0430.gddp_integration.dll Faulty Mod: minemaker0430.gddp_integration Exception Code: c0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION) Exception Flags: 0 Exception Address: 7B97DAE7 (minemaker0430.gddp_integration.dll + dae7) Number Parameters: 2
== Stack Trace ==
== Register States == EAX: 00000001 EBX: 00000000 ECX: 26aee778 EDX: 018e0000 EBP: 0099f4e8 ESP: 0099f480 EDI: 00000000 ESI: 0099f480 EIP: 7b97dae7
== Installed Mods == x | [v1.0.5] abb2k.backup x | [v1.1.1] adyagd.godlikefaces x | [v1.1.3] adyagd.ingamelistmod x | [v1.1.2] alphalaneous.projectedstars x | [v1.0.2] arkane.dl-team-icons x | [v1.6.0] beat.click-sound x | [v1.0.2] bitz.moregames x | [v1.0.2] blueblock6.cleanstartpos x | [v1.0.0] capeling.colored_level_info_bg x | [v1.1.4] capeling.demons_in_garage_2.2 x | [v1.0.5] capeling.gamemode_picker x | [v1.1.4] capeling.icon_profile_2.2 x | [v1.0.2] capeling.icon_randomizer x | [v1.0.0] capeling.usable_explorers x | [v1.0.0] cdc.level_thumbnails x | [v1.0.1] colon.gold_user_coins x | [v1.5.1] coopeeo.customname x | [v1.0.0] creo.color_unlock_hack x | [v1.0.0] creo.music_unlock_hack x | [v4.1.2] cvolton.betterinfo x | [v1.0.0] cvolton.compact_lists x | [v1.3.0] dankmeme.globed2 x | [v1.5.0] egg.icon_hack x | [v1.0.1] elnexreal.auto_priority x | [v1.6.1] elohmrow.death_tracker x | [v1.3.1] elsai.a_daily_shop x | [v1.0.3] elsai.copyright_remover_for_main_levels x | [v2.5.2] fleym.nongd x | [v1.2.16] gdutilsdevs.gdutils x | [v1.5.2] geode.custom-keybinds x | [v2.0.0-beta.21] geode.loader x | [v1.7.1] geode.node-ids x | [v1.5.0] geode.texture-loader x | [v1.4.0] hiimjustin000.integrated_demonlist x | [v6.3.3] hjfod.betteredit x | [v1.0.1] hjfod.quick-volume-controls x | [v1.1.0] itzkiba.grandpa_demon | [v1.0.0] itzkiba.id_hyperlinks x | [v1.2.0] khronophobia.more_settings_button x | [v1.1.0] khronophobia.shortcuts_menu x | [v1.2.2] legowiifun.unlisted_objects_in_editor x | [v0.1.5] lexi.visiblecheckpoints x | [v1.2.0] m336.levelinfo x | [v1.0.2] mat.run-info x | [v1.0.0-beta.8] minemaker0430.gddp_integration x | [v1.1.1] ml5.treasure-checklist x | [v1.0.2] nytelyte.wave_trail_drag_fix x | [v1.4.0-beta.1] oatmealine.nlw_integration | [v1.1.0] polsk.level_quests x | [v1.0.0] polsk.pause_settings | [v1.0.3] saumondeluxe.rainbow_icon x | [v1.2.1] shineua.minecraft_splash x | [v1.0.2] slammy333.save_button x | [v1.0.5] sofabeddd.colored_icon_kit x | [v1.0.1] thesillydoggo.animatedprofiles x | [v1.0.0-beta.5] thesillydoggo.comment_emojis x | [v1.6.9] thesillydoggo.entersearch x | [v2.2.4] TheSillyDoggo.GradientPages x | [v1.0.3] thesillydoggo.icon_kit_switcher x | [v1.6.6] tpdea.betterpause-Better x | [v1.9.0] undefined0.gdtweaks x | [v1.0.0] uproxide.accupracatt x | [v1.1.2] uproxide.geodedevelopers | [v3.0.0] user95401.profile_image x | [v1.0.4] weebify.coins_in_pause_menu x | [v1.0.3] weebify.level_info_in_pause_menu x | [v1.1.1] weebify.restartbtn