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Controlling Turrets/Camera's/RollerMines/Manhacks by using a *PDA SWEP*. #10

Open hamburgone opened 11 months ago

hamburgone commented 11 months ago

With the PDA, You can use it sorta as a map and a controller. You can control ANY Of your deployed items. The down side should be the range of usage. If the player placed a turret 1 secotr away from his current location (template), then he would get constant inteference on his face, and if he was 2 sectors away, the player wouldnt be able to control it at all. Also, the player has to be a R50 To use them. Now, onto the next one's. Types of controllables..


The player has limited ammo on the turrets (50-100 editable ig) and has a barrel overheat, which happens if the player controlling it shoots 50 rounds without stopping. To balance it out, the turret shoots 30% faster than the NPC one, but does 2 less damage. HEADSHOTS WORK. HAS A LIMITED FOV IT CAN LOOK AROUND (130) AND CANT TURN AROUND.


The camera's are honestly the MOST useless stuff on servers, they get outranged by rebel's making it so the camera cant even do a alert. And it also has a flashing effect which doesnt even apply, doesnt make sense right? So now, the player can tilt it with his mouse, can press m1 to flash the nearby person & alert people



By far the most ANNOYING deployable NPC ive ever fought agaisnt. The player controlling it can move it & activate its battle mode by holding m1/r. The player also can press m2 while holding m1/r to blow yourself up, like in HL2. It's just a small distraction.

---- THE HACKS! ----

The most common one i think i ever see on HL2RP's are manhacks, they are fast & annoying but very fragile. I think almost everyone understands how they work, but ill still type. The controlling player can hold r/m1 to activate its battle mode. Not unique or anything i just dont know what to add lmao.

it is all

hamburgone commented 11 months ago

forgot to mention that the player which has allowed shit can press little icons on the map to gain control of it ,and can press ctrl to get out of control. should have a side panel which you can toggle off by pressing anotgher button on the top right which opens the menu with whitelists & current placed stuff. so yeah thats all