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Quest Types. #15

Open SeiffuoKung opened 11 months ago

SeiffuoKung commented 11 months ago

Idea for different quest types.

I see that Riggs currently needs ideas for the questing system, Specifically quest types, So here are a few you can pick from if your interested.

  1. [EASY] Store the Quest Given Battery in the stash 275Meters away and earn ###.

  2. [INTERMEDIATE] Deliver the chemical crate to the drop off location within 2 Minutes and earn ###.

  3. [HARD] Steal the documents from the CP armory and return them to me.

  4. [INTERMEDIATE] Kill this CP ( Randomly picks a CP, If none are on then it would show up as unavailable. ) Then bring me his biosignal.

  5. [HARD] Kill this CP Supervisor ( Randomly picks a CP RL+, If none are on then it would show up as unavailable. ) Then bring me his biosignal.

  6. [REWARD IDEA] (After completing X quests and earning X in rewards, You would be able to redeem this and any of the other reward ideas. ) Collect your ammo crate/weapons crate/armor crate/supplies crate from that hidden cache 150 Meters away within 5 minutes.