Minerva-Servers / minervahl2rp-suggestions

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Feedback. #17

Open SeiffuoKung opened 10 months ago

SeiffuoKung commented 10 months ago

All this is following my personal view and opinion on the playtest from hopefully the average playerbase User.

Now joining in the sewers felt very sudden and confusing, I and I persume many others assumed it was an issue and made a ticket about not spawning in the city as many expected. The idea of outlands RP didn't feel very interesting or expected by most, It felt like a Walking Simulator 50% of the time, Especially if you broke your legs due to the lack of people wanting to play CMU or even CWU. It felt like a delayed TDM on a big map since looting was probably one of the only things citizens could mainly do, Oh and groups group melee'ing solo cops was frequent and confused Civil Protection on what is/isn't considered a 404 zone. Didn't expect it I guess...

GasmaskPerson commented 10 months ago

Wasnt exactly a RP test, was prolly just a stress test and also to get some combat balancing stuff down but yeah the test was kinda messy.