Minerva-Servers / minervahl2rp-suggestions

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A large, LARGE list of ideas from #ideas, provided by The Schizo #2

Open GasMaskD opened 1 year ago

GasMaskD commented 1 year ago

Any Last Words?

If you are killed in the middle of sending a message, it automatically sends it the moment your health goes to 0. For flavor, maybe it can add a - at the end so it acts as if it's been cut off. This is a miscellaneous little feature that I think would just make it feel more immersive that you can get cut off in the middle of saying something

Dispatch Voicelines using AI

"Unit..." "...You are tasked with directives" "Patrol Team..." "All Ground Protection teams, disengage from Anticitizen incursion. Overwatch functionaries are moving in." "Confirm Anticitizen incursion." "Confirm Necrotic infestation" "Ground Protection Teams, reminder, excessive use of lethal force to quell minor civic dissonance will result in potential encouragement of further dissonance, and will result in deduction of sterilized credits" "Ground units, reminder, containment of local outbreak will result in spontaneous benefits, such as: Ration Reward, Credit provision, and continuance of family cohesion." "Alert, Civil Protection teams..." "Alert, Overwatch Assets..." "Curfew imminent. Prepare for uniformed cohesion of civic populace."

WILSOOONNN Voice line for Metrocops

Some light humor to dash into this semi-serious server, as seen in Gorgeous Freeman, you can now scream "WILSOONNN!" whenever your teammate dies!


Whenever you use the vending machine, as a little "Fuck you" message to people raiding them for molotovs, there is a roughly 0.025 chance that a bloated coca cola can will roll out of the slot, followed by "COCA COLA ESPUMA" and a short-range strength explosion

Zombies can harvest I think it'd be great if Zombies could grab chunks of meat from corpses to regain/add health to them, maybe even with minor damage buffs and speed debuffs. This also opens up the opportunity for a gonome class.

Headcrab latch minigame When a player is attacked by a headcrab, and it manages to hit their head's hitbox, there will trigger a connect-dots minigame where your character actively tries to pull the Headcrab off within a 6 second time limit. If they fail, they turn into a zombie. If they win, they ragdoll the headcrab away from them for a few seconds.

Headcrab Class for Xenians Self explanatory

Leg damage Falling from large heights isn't the only way you can break your legs. If you run away from a CP officer, and they go guns blazing into your shins, you're absolutely gonna slow down! This also makes for more intense moments where Civil Protection could get pinned down because their units are getting their legs shredded

Antlion Class can create nests Imagine this, a minor role as an Antlion where you can cause minor power outages and possibly increase toxicity in areas by creating Xenian nests where you raise larvae!

Ways to make Zombies scary..

Player Zombies will have a major advantage compared to NPC zombies. If a player zombie holds down on his left click, he can grab victims and force a button mash prompt for them to escape

Headcrabs, if they do not land a headshot, will latch onto players and slow their movement until punched/hit off by either their victim, or another player

Fast Zombies will cause bleeding for 12 seconds after 3 successful hits

Zombines are strong enough as is

And Poison Zombies can do what they actually do in the rules, explode into a toxic fog when killed.

I think that's all the ideas I had left