MinetestForFun / server-minetestforfun-hungry_games

Repository of the subgame and mods of "MinetestForFun Hunger Games" server
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Spectator mod (jp/kilbith version) #79

Closed BetterToAutomateTheWorld closed 8 years ago

BetterToAutomateTheWorld commented 8 years ago


A simple mod allowing you to watch and continuously follow the other players in their 3rd person view. You're invisible and undetectable for the players when you're in this mode.

Can be useful for admins or moderators in their task of monitoring.

Requires the privilege "watch".

Commands :

The idea is to add this mod and try it in local.

We want the spectator mod can be used when this conditions are true :

How to activate/call the spectator mod :

Spectator tweaks needed for a more easy way to use it :



The feature we will add should interrest @GunshipPenguin for his HG version or @kilbith for improving his spectator mod. Well, think about Upstream ! :)

Lymkwi commented 8 years ago

I recall there is a spectate function in Hg which we commented. However, this one allows players to choose when they want to watch. About the places where it can be used : we can use the spawn mod's spawn names for that. About the different means of activation : blocks, why not, aliases, meh, but the inventory : doesn't it start to be a bit bloated from all the buttons/tabs we add? About the formspecs : This is doable thanks to the hudtoolbox I added in hungry_games, but that's also a potential source of lag.

All of this is gonna be a big pain to code for something that's already present in Hg using the fly privilege, but this enhanced version doesn't look bad at all. (just don't expect a quick merge of Hg next time)

BetterToAutomateTheWorld commented 8 years ago

The spectator mod actually in HG is totally bugged and not interesting at all

Command aliases because the initial command /watch /unwatch isn't really interesting, i think /spectate /unspectate should be better, maybe im wrong ? anyway an aliases for this commands isn't a problem in the HG subgame

Inventory tab because we know since a little amount of time, players in subgame wants something easy to use, and don't want to type commands (9/10 of the times)

The formspecs is a feature already added to the jp spectator mod (PR since a few days), laggy ? don't know need to test it :)

The actual spectator mod of the HG is a really pain, for many things, but, for example : a spectate player can fly between two players and the two players can't hit each other, they just hit the "spectator" which is invincible, also, the spectator player can take items in the ground (steal items of other players), they can fly out of the "glass_arena" with a little usebug and generate maps, they can also block arrows of arena players... etc... etc... this is a really BAD MOD

Lymkwi commented 8 years ago

I don't see any problems about players watching each other in the lobby. I've added a group of calls to spectator.unwatching to detach all players who are being teleported to the arena. Thus, considering that there is no bug nor problem with watching someone else in the lobby, and that disallowing it would imply adding tons of loops and calls to the engine to check privileges and spawn areas, I won't prevent any player from using spectator on another person who's in the lobby. Meanwhile, I've added a (very ugly) node that, like the vote blocks, allow players to turn on spectator mode. I've also been working on a formspec usable by spectators to navigate from player to player and quit the said mode.

BetterToAutomateTheWorld commented 8 years ago

I create this eyes if you want them :

64px eye_64x64

32px eye_32x32

Or you can tweak them, the eyes pixel art is great :)

For the "spectate players" feature for players in the lobby, no problem

Lymkwi commented 8 years ago

It's only my personal opinion but I prefer those eyes you created rather than my 16*16 poorly drawn pixel texture. Anybody else want to express their opinion about it?

Lymkwi commented 8 years ago

I think I'm done. If you're satisfied with the features, you can close this issue.

BetterToAutomateTheWorld commented 8 years ago

It seems perfect to me, really good job @LeMagnesium !

Maybe it will interest @kilbith or @GunshipPenguin ?

Closed the issue.