Closed aerozoic closed 7 years ago
ok, serious problem... We need a solution now...
Closed since now auth.txt in handle in a MariaDB database.
Were the passwords restored for old accounts? :large_orange_diamond:
It was surely due to the corrupted auth.txt, they need to try again the connection on their account(s) and tell us if it works. In my point of view, no reasons it still doesn't work
I just tested, passwords have not been restored. I was able to login to another old account. :large_orange_diamond:
This still isn't fixed and many old accounts are being logged into. Some by accident by new players that don't know the account was already created and some by players who know about the bug.
Every single account that is logged into is forever lost to the original owner due to the new password entered. :large_orange_diamond:
Does anybody know if this was a one time event or if passwords are continuing to be reset after a period of time roughly 30 days? :large_orange_diamond:
Mine was still there even after a few months of inactivity so I believe it was fixed.
I think it was a one time event due to the plaintext that handle in the past the passwords and maybe some of this file(s) was corrupted. Anyway, now it's in database (MariaDB), so no need to worry anymore :)
I just tried to log into some accounts that were 5 months old and couldn't so this was a one time event. However the issue still remains. I can still log into old accounts that existed when this issue occurred that haven't been accessed since. :large_orange_diamond:
@aerozoic yes i know, and i think we can't do anything about it, just hoping players are reconnecting with their own password and don't see anything :/
I think we can close this in that case. :large_orange_diamond:
I have just verified ANY player that has not logged into the game for a month or longer has had there password reset! :large_orange_diamond: