MinetestForFun / server-minetestforfun

Repository of the subgame and mods of "MinetestForFun" server
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The area owner mask partialy the HUD #194

Closed farfadet46 closed 8 years ago

farfadet46 commented 9 years ago

I think that the zone of the "area owner name" needs another system of display or wathover because in the spawn it masks completely the HUD


BetterToAutomateTheWorld commented 9 years ago

Sadly, we know this issue since a long time...

I will report it to the area modder, thank you.

=> Opened : https://github.com/ShadowNinja/areas/issues/14

Lymkwi commented 9 years ago

I don't think anyone can really do anything except truncate the strings displayed in Area's HUD. That should be easy to do. Yet, knowing that there is no way using Minetest's API to know a player's screen size, and that the HUDs are displayed differently on different screen (because of their size), I don't think we can find a value that everyone would be happy with. For example, for your window's size, we should truncate the strings at about 35 characters, whereas on a fullscreen window on my computer, these lines have enough room to be fully printed. Either we truncate and it might not work everytime and even create problems for others, or we leave it as it is, and just use less long area names.

Cyberpangolin commented 9 years ago

Maybe remove the text, add a small hud icon with a locker closed if you are in a restricted area, a locker opened if the area is opened, and the same with a key inside if you are the owner., and the area's number (to manage it)

When you try to break a node in a closed area, you should have a message, like the news message, telling you "Hey, stop it! You are in the area "$name of area", owned by "$owner".

Of course, if the area is shared between many people, we need something too. Just say this post is my contribution for this brainstorning. If interested, sure I can make these icons.

farfadet46 commented 9 years ago

Love it :)

Cyberpangolin commented 9 years ago

cadenasmultiples padlock opened: the area is owned by someone but opened to build. padlock closed: the area is closed (seems trivial...) if the key is inside, you are the owner of the area (or one of them)

Colour sheme: orange for "everyone is free to build, under restrictions (to the owner's discretion) (1 and 2)" green for "you are free to build, this land is yours (3)" red for "building here is forbidden" Maybe I should add something for shared areas (where there are multiple owners), like an orange closed padlock withe the key inside.

these padlocks come from openclipart.

farfadet46 commented 9 years ago

I think we just need closed. in 2 colours(green and red). If there is no icon, it's free to build :) (no area)

green = you can buid here (maybe the key is for determine if the area is multi owner :) ) red you can't

if you want to know who is the owner, we need a command :/

Lymkwi commented 9 years ago

@Cyberpangolin : I like this idea.

Cyberpangolin commented 9 years ago

@farfadet46 I think it's very important to know if you are the owner or not, but it's important to know if you have the right to build too and, much more, if your area is opened. When it's opened, maybe someone can improve your building, but he can make undesired changes. That's why we need to say that the area is "owned but opened.", so we make sure the owner always knows about his area's status. An example: palige's public factory in MFF1, where I built tons of things when it was opened, and then he closed it again to make sure nobody griefs.

When you are in free land, without any area, of course there should not be anything.

Oh, and maybe we could add an area button on the main menu: the owner could

Last (but not least), we could make the red padlock become twice bigger for 0.5 second if you are not allowed to build and you try. A simple but efficient animation that would explain everything :)

With all my apologies to our fantastic coders. :+1:

BetterToAutomateTheWorld commented 9 years ago

Ok for the icon, but how do you know the owners name of the area/subareas with this solution ?

Cyberpangolin commented 9 years ago

I'd say in the "main menu" (i keyboard button), a button under the inventory, and next to others (bags, weather, ...) where you could get the informations (and later get area managing as said in my previous post?)

Lymkwi commented 9 years ago

You still have marker's books to get these informations, or otherwhise, show a truncated version of the full string.

BetterToAutomateTheWorld commented 8 years ago

Refer here https://github.com/ShadowNinja/areas/issues/14 if you want to follow the feature progression

Cyberpangolin commented 8 years ago

Probably someone here should make it if we want to see this feature once. Any volunteer?

ghost commented 8 years ago

A tester https://github.com/MinetestForFun/server-minetestforfun/commit/6c84995ae01c5d281b133195cad87c9702429948

cadenas vert, c'est a nous, cadenas rouge ce n'est pas à nous carre vert on peut interagir, rouge non l'outil seulement c'est openfarming carre orange c'est à nous mais les autres peuvent interagir (area ouverte)


BetterToAutomateTheWorld commented 8 years ago

Thank you @crabman77 too many icons types in my point of view, but we will try :)

Cyberpangolin commented 8 years ago


BetterToAutomateTheWorld commented 8 years ago

On manque de tests et d'avis

Il faudrait aussi trouver quelque chose de peut-être plus simple car 8 icônes différent ça fait beaucoup, peut être enlevé la notion de "owner" dans les icônes, après tout le pseudo de l'owner est affiché a côté du cadenas donc le joueur peut reconnaitre comme un grand si c'est son pseudo ou pas

Ou je sais pas, peut etre revoir les cadenas, le top serait d'en avoir que 3 ou 4 maximum...

Un truc simple, par exemple :

@crabman77 qu'en penses-tu ?

Cyberpangolin commented 8 years ago

Personellement, je pense que l'on peut tester en l'état sur classic et observer les retours des gens.

Attention: ligne 38, j'ai vu

ghost commented 8 years ago

"mod_arming" c'était une typo quand j'ai normalisé le nom des variables avec "remplacer tous par" dans l'éditeur, c'est corrigé depuis https://github.com/MinetestForFun/server-minetestforfun/commit/af4a3f47dfcb3e37ee07780a8b17a01ee857220f

Pour les cadenas je veut bien en enlever mais il faut se mettre d'accord avant.

BetterToAutomateTheWorld commented 8 years ago

La simplification que je propose me parait bien, ça serait bien d'avoir des avis dessus

ObaniGemini commented 8 years ago

Ou sont les sources des icones de cadenas ? On pourrait envisager de nouveaux icones ?

BetterToAutomateTheWorld commented 8 years ago

Tu peux proposer des icones, pas de soucis :) Si tu remonte le thread ta les sources de cyber

BetterToAutomateTheWorld commented 8 years ago

The texture will be made by Vault-Boy for this issue. (This is his first issue to become part of our team)

Well, we need 4 textures of "chain" :

Do not hesitate to ask us questions if you needs more details. You can help you with this textures https://github.com/MinetestForFun/server-minetestforfun/issues/194#issuecomment-193738642 but the needs is something more simple and easy to understand for players

(Vault-Boy can be contacted with the email address : jacobmankey64 at gmail dot com)

ObaniGemini commented 8 years ago

I'll work on it too

Vault-Boy-111 commented 8 years ago

ok I completed it the red X is scrappy only because of how the software I used behaves but I think the rest will work http://xomf.com/g/cjygp http://i.xomf.com/kwcpy.png or http://xomf.com/kwcpy click one of them to see them I hope they will work

BetterToAutomateTheWorld commented 8 years ago

@Vault-Boy-111 To complicated in my point of view, and the small "home" icon can't be readable ingame, too small

@ObaniGemini Sent me this icons beginning, it's simple and can be easily understandable : https://up1.ca/#CdizNpAeatjBkcfWoNNY1A Maybe color the middle "locks" and/or draw something inside them ? Also they needs to be 64x64

ObaniGemini commented 8 years ago

@Ombridride : the idea is to keep it empty for eventual adds : peace area, opened to farming, mining, etc... If it's empty sometimes and sometimes not it's more noticeable. I'll make a 64x64 version

EDIT : https://up1.ca/#gXKYkk2vF-D5ns3Mv962cA

@Vault-Boy-111 : feel free to modify this if you have ideas to make it better, I left the sources with it (I would like to make it better looking but I don't know what to do for it. P.S : What software are you using ?

Cyberpangolin commented 8 years ago

@crabman77 can you put it in the current state ingame? As @ElementW said, it becomes more and more floody with time, particularly on the spawn island...

Thanks :)

Cyberpangolin commented 8 years ago

Really better ingame! Thanks a lot! I close the issue for now, mayber the locker could be tweaked (reduced in size a bit). but it's really really better :+1: