MinetestForFun / server-minetestforfun

Repository of the subgame and mods of "MinetestForFun" server
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Remove some unused parts of mesecons #421

Closed ObaniGemini closed 8 years ago

ObaniGemini commented 8 years ago

Everyrthing in the title. Our subgame is very heavy and it would be good to light it a bit. Some parts of mesecons mode are unused/unuseful or "duplicated". Here is a list of what I propose to remove from the modpack :

What do you think of it ?

farfadet46 commented 8 years ago

i think blinkyplant isn't useless :/

ObaniGemini commented 8 years ago

I put some "?" where I wasn't sure. Blinky plant isn't useless but can be replaced by some other things.

Cyberpangolin commented 8 years ago


@ObaniGemini it's not because you don't use something that it needs to be removed.

Yes: the subgame is heavy, but I would prefer to see why it keeps the pipes loaded and remove that instead of castrate mesecons. Of course some of the nodes you talk about are not often used, but it doesn't mean we have to remove them. I never asked to remove xdecor or factions, even if I ~never used them, and don't intend to (because they are not what I like to do in MT). Should I?

Furthermore, their weight in kB is insignificant, and while they are not used they won't make you lag.

Last (but not least) it means that any mesecons update would need to be tweaked before being applied into MinetestForFun.

Lymkwi commented 8 years ago

movestones mvps noteblock ? (a bit useless and contains many datas) powerplant (replaced by torch)

Powerplants are vital (they're the power sources), and so is mvps (it contains the functions for pistons and movestones). Three out of those 4 only declare nodes and have little to almost no impact on runtime lag (powerplant, noteblock, mvps kinda). Only one out of those 4 uses audio media files, although they are quite small (noteblock). To put it in perspective, mobs is twice larger than the whole modpack of mesecons. Although it was possible for mobs, it's not safe nor a good idea to cut out parts of mesecons.

BetterToAutomateTheWorld commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your answers @Cyberpangolin @LeMagnesium

Like I said before to @ObaniGemini this issue isn't useful in my point of view. The problem isn't the mesecons tools BUT the mesecons code/way it's coded... (in a really weird way...)

ObaniGemini commented 8 years ago

Ok. But can't powerplant be replaced by mese torch ?