Closed BetterToAutomateTheWorld closed 9 years ago
Ooooops... Forgot it :p . I'll try to work on it again :)
J'aime bien les formes de tes logos mais tu devrais essayer d'en faire un avec des couleurs moins foncées juste pour voir ce que ca donne :p
Yes @Ataron, more lighter colors can be a good idea ! :)
I made a new concept for the logo... What do you think of it?
The problem is I'm really fond of black and white mix :p
My choice is the second logo (red) !
@ObaniGemini The new concept is interrresting and beautiful, but we really need colors (website color chart for exemple)
@paly2 Thank you for your answer, but the survey isn't on this topic, we will create a big/good survey on the website (section event/événements) when we have more choice for logos ! (so, the players decided, not only the devs ;))
Even more concepts !!!! And with colors !!!
Yeah, very good Obani !
Right This one is beautiful.
@ObaniGemini Can you add the text MinetestForFun to your logos ? I will create a survey as soon as i have your different logos with our name ! :)
The best is to place the "MinetestForFun" text to the right of the logo, like this : MinetestForFun (the logo and the text need to be centered, the example isn't really great designed :D)
I want a try too. please wait unitl tomorrow.
Ok @Cyberpangolin, I will wait your logo(s ?) :)
Here is a try:
Or another:
3rd version, the last one
WTFPL Note, I have of course the svg file.
Interresting concepts, my favorite is the second you show us @Cyberpangolin, the bucket of the third try disturbs me, the first has just too many details compacted for be pleasant to read.
But i think i need say you 2 or 3 things :
Your logo is interresting because it looks really attractive and we immediately understand that is a game logo, it's a good point !
I hope you like them more. The dark background is the color already used on the site. I assume that the lightened background is slightly on yellow-green, because full white kills my eyes. It can be changed anyway, and I will when I am back home with my true color screen. Maybe you can see a difference between the reds, the goal is to have a good contrast without pain in the eyes. It stays in the colors we use.
Uh. maybe we should keep a dark banner for the website and a lightened for the ingame menus (like in the news).
Edit: My favorite is definitely the number 4.
Please get a try on use the red color of the website for the text and, the green "title article color" for the background of the banner, this for respect the chart design of the website
For the moment, we prefer (ayame and me) the third and the fourth you made i think it's because of the writing design of the text.
But i don't see any other players leave their comments about your logo... :(
Oh and a last thing, maybe it's too much to ask but, the vine you place around the background, it's a good idea, but it's maybe too much repetitive, maybe add some trees ? or flowers ? or aynthing other that is different :D
Okay, here is a new try. You already know 3 and 4 5 is with the website's background green 6 is 5 with the website's text color.
EDIT: Added 7, a compromise between 5 and 6
I had already tried with these red and green, I didn't think they are that good and did not present them. To be - really - honest, I think 5 is ugly and 6 awful.
About the red: the only place you see it is on the logo that will replace it. --> Not that important I think.
About the wines: I may change, but with the green you can almost not see them... And removing is not a solution, it looks empty.
After discussion on IRC with Ombriride;
Maybe I should add something on and under the island.
My point of view : the island isn't very beautiful Maybe it can help you ?
Last version.
And I hope this can please you :)
Great ! On the website right now :)
But i think the mini-lgoo needs to be more bigger (try 300*60 px ?) for fit with the menu/section of the top screen
300x60 is not possible. I've done a 300x50.
Ok, i think it's fine
The logos are integrated to the wesbite/forum. I think i can closed the issue, thank you for your time & work, you can re-opened the issue if you need it.
What the hell happends when I'm noy here? O.o
Just read the entire issue and you will understand :D (also visit
Question réthorique
Obani, comme je te le disais, si tu souhaites l'améliorer ou tester des choses et nous les montrer, tu as à ta disposition le .svg, libre a toi de nous montrer ton travail :)
Je ne pourrais pas avant plusieurs jours
@ObaniGemini, qu'est il advenu de ton idée d'améliorer le logo actuel ?
On ne peut pas faire une belle image à partir d'une image ratée. On ne peut qu'affiner une image belle à l'origine.
@ObaniGemini Il te faut donc repartir de zéro si l'on en suit ta logique, tu te plains beaucoup de nombreuses textures aujourd'hui, mais je ne te vois pas en proposer... :)
@Ombridride : Juste pour te rappeler, @ObaniGemini a proposé pas mal de textures dans ce ticket, et je ne suis pas sûr qu'il ait accès en ce moment ou dans un futur très proche à tout ses outils graphiques. Sois just patient.
À vrai dire j'ai ouvert mon ordi pour la première fois depuis 2 semaines pour des raisons que vous ignorez surement pour cause d'oubli de vous en avertir. La première et dernière chose que j'y ait faite fut de lire les notifications sur Github et de poster des commentaires. Donc non, je n'ai pas eu accès à mes outils. De plus, je suis en train de tenter une approche du monde extérieur plus approfondie et d'ainsi m'éloigner du monde vidéo-ludique (cela me permettrait par exemple de ne pas briller au soleil).
De ce fait, je continuerais à travailler sur de la musique et de l'image, mais en étant beaucoup moins présent qu'à l'usuelle, quitte à m'ennuyer. Cela me permettra aussi de reprendre réellement la musique et d'avoir des rapports sociaux avec des gens dont je peux voir le facies en Retina. Si j'échoue dans ma tache, je serais alors surement plus présent et apte à me connecter durablement sur IRC et in-game ^^. Mais je pense tout de même qu'un retour au vrai monde réel de la réalité véritablement véridique me permettrait de m'améliorer dans les matières sociales et artistiques, étant donné que la programmation a du mal à m'attirer et que à part améliorer mes squillzes sur des jeux vidéos ou parler avec d'éventuels kikoos, je ne fais pas grand chose sur mon petit pécé.
Voila voila, sur ce, bisous virtuels virtuoses !
Up, i will closed this issue in one week, if you don't send us a logo between this time :)
Actually the first ones were great. The rest was just to have fun.
We need to see "MinetestForFun" on the logo, with a pixel font if it's possible, that's a must have.
Second, we need two banners, one small (left top of the website, news/irc/... ingame background) and a big one (first banner of the website and forum presentation) the size need to be rectangular, but easy to tweak if you add "MinetestForFun" i thing...
The one I made was in circle, so easy to put in a square or circle form like in the website experiment of davedevils. For the MInetestForFun font, I remember you that I'm not on my usual computer and that I will have more difficulties to do things I would do on my normal computer. Also, I don't understand why we should take a font and why it should be pixelized. Most part of the fonts are boring or bad for logos.
Closed this issue. No answer since 1 month.
Great news, thanks to the work of Obani, we are going to have our own Logo !
But it's still Work in Progress, we need a few more Logos because after, we want to organize a survey to let our players choose our Logo ! :D
So, we're waiting your last logos Obani, keep up the good work !