MingshanHe / Compliant-Control-and-Application

Compliant Control: 1) admittance control algorithm 2) impedance control algorithm 3) hybrid force&position algorithm in robotic arm (Universal Robot).
MIT License
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An error occurred when I ran the statement”roslaunch ur_gazebo ur5e_bringup.launch transmission_hw_interface:=hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface specified_controller:=cartesian_velocity_controller“ #28

Closed daynad closed 1 year ago

daynad commented 1 year ago

I ran this statement under the catkin_ws. The error is as follows: be63855073fd6c2729ad895e71f95bf ef29bf0d6b2ae3018beeb4e206a4bb5

MingshanHe commented 1 year ago

Actually, The first error you can ignore it. It won't make any sense. The second error is the main one. You need to check if the self-defined controller has been compiled successfully in your project workspace.