The issue I experienced is that when exporting the file in Spanish, for some reason, the filename still contained the characters "¿" and "?" which prevented me from creating the file.
The solution I applied to this was to change the following code in "":
The issue I experienced is that when exporting the file in Spanish, for some reason, the filename still contained the characters "¿" and "?" which prevented me from creating the file.
The solution I applied to this was to change the following code in "":
ffmpeg_extract_subclip( f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/temp.mp4", 0, length, targetname=f"results/{subreddit}/{filename}.mp4",
ffmpeg_extract_subclip( f"assets/temp/{reddit_id}/temp.mp4", 0, length, targetname=f"results/{subreddit}/{name_normalize(filename)}.mp4"
This change removes the mentioned punctuation marks from the filename, allowing me to name the file without any issues.