Miniball / MiniballSort

Sort code for Miniball data using the new FEBEX/MIDAS DAQ
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Angle fit merged in to main code with automatic peak fitting #14

Closed lpgaff closed 7 months ago

lpgaff commented 7 months ago

Convergence of the position fit still isn't great, but that can be worked out as we go along. The main infrastructure is now in place and tested.

If you give the 22Ne data on CD2 target, with an appropriate settings file, calibration file and reaction file, but also add the -anglefit flag, the code will sort the data, fit the Doppler shifted 440 keV peaks in each segment, and build a position fit for all clusters, using the values in the reaction file as the starting values.

Once this is done, the peak centroids are written to a file at 22Ne_fitted_energies.dat, which can be edited to remove segments with bad fits (fits can be inspected in the pdf file at peak_fits.pdf) or add manual points. This file can then be read back in to mb_sort using the -angledata flag, in place of the data files. This skips the process of fitting the peaks and goes directly to the peak position determination, saving time and using the user provided values.

The next step is to include the phi angle constraints from the 22Ne on 196Pt data, but I first have to make the analysis for this.