MinimallyCorrect / TickThreading

Historical multi-threaded minecraft by @LunNova. Performance over correctness. What could go wrong? Way too much.
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Applied Energistics - Vanishing Items/NBTTagData #246

Closed ray73864 closed 11 years ago

ray73864 commented 11 years ago

Possible causes:

LunNova commented 11 years ago

Original text:

According to the FAQ on ( , it has:

All my Drives Wiped Clean, or All my Storage Cells are gone

This is probobly related to another mod called TickThreading, which can cause issues with Saving Chunk Data the end >result of these tends to be these issues.

Is this still an issue? i have a lot of stuff in my ME storage network, 6 storage cells so far, i have a friend who has 2 ME drives both full of storage cells.

So far i am liking TT, i can have 700 mobs in my zombie grinder and still have a TPS of 20, where as before, 500mobs would drop the TPS down to 5.

Yes, this is probably still an issue. Although the cause listed by the FAQ is an incorrect simplification, as it happens while the chunk is loaded, no unload/reload cycle is necessary. I haven't had time to fix it.

utoxin commented 11 years ago

Interested in this bug being fixed as well. Would love to use TT with the Ultimate FTB modpack. :)

aquagene commented 11 years ago

Interested as well now that DW20 has added Applied Energistics. It's popular enough that I'm forced to not use Tickthreading for fear people will lose items on my server.

nylser commented 11 years ago

Would also be very interested in this bug to be fixed, I'm running an FTB Ultimate Server on an 8-core server, which is getting laggy pretty fast with standard forge server, but with TickThreading its an awesome performance and balances everything over the 8 cores! Keep up the good work, Nallar!

Delaura commented 11 years ago

So there is a confirmed bug between AE and TT that makes items dissapear? So I'm not crazy when I say that 5937 fertilizer went missing in my AE system? All my fermenters were located in a single chunk, and once I hooked up my AE System, it worked fine, until I logged back in 2 hours later, when it was all gone, and just the saplings remained, which were stored in a deep storage unit in another chunk.

HaoSs07 commented 11 years ago

just happen to me .... nasty bug, probably just have to remove TT till a fix is made, a lot of users started to use ME system

xfloh22 commented 11 years ago

has this bug been fixed with the other chunk saving fixes?

LunNova commented 11 years ago

I also recently fixed some AE issues which may be related. Might be fixed, not sure.

xfloh22 commented 11 years ago

k il test it in a sec

HaoSs07 commented 11 years ago

was working for 3 days with no problems,but now after the deadlock bug fix, i lost 3 times data from disk in under 1 hour , don't know if its really related or i just have bad luck, xfloh can you test this with last build ?

xfloh22 commented 11 years ago

testing it atm with completely new versíon of everything. fresh map as well, tell you how it goes

xfloh22 commented 11 years ago

odd, i havent had any problems with dissapearing items yet. i let the chunks unload for about 15 minutes and then came back. i also logged out and back in and the items were still there

HaoSs07 commented 11 years ago

get a query and a ender chest and fill some disks

HaoSs07 commented 11 years ago

will update and test

xfloh22 commented 11 years ago

items just dissapeared in chunk that gets unloaded. items stayed in the one that was allways loaded

alicheek commented 11 years ago

I think thats meant to happen if u have cleanup on or what ever that config option is on TT

xfloh22 commented 11 years ago

first of all i have that off and second that would be a terrible feature.. im not sure it is meant to erase AE data...

LunNova commented 11 years ago

Cleanup is to reduce the memory leaked if a mod holds onto world objects.

xfloh22 commented 11 years ago

well yes but having cleanup erase AE data is a terrible feature

LunNova commented 11 years ago

I never said it did, and it doesn't. Something else is causing this. Intentionally erasing AE data would be stupid :P

HaoSs07 commented 11 years ago

still happens but more rare, so strange, i'm lucking at the driver and it jumps from 0 to 63 types, then back to 0

geoffcorey commented 11 years ago

Users are starting to use AE and we have build 1308 (after the possible fix in build 1306) and we had issues last night with items disappearing.

geoffcorey commented 11 years ago

Another admin looked over the AE system that was losing items. His response was, "I'm not positive it was due to TT. The power going to his ayeazall's AE system was through powerconverters mod and seemed VERY sketchy at best. He hooked it up directly to a power source and it seemed fine after that."

HaoSs07 commented 11 years ago

ftb ultimate 1.0.2 is under testing, (latest 1.4.7 ) that includes some AE fixes , also eloraam twitted about an hour ago, and it seems she is back on RP2 for 1.5 so we may see a update to 1.5 directly (more updates to AE), the best thing to do right now is probably to wait and test with the updated version, also i formated the disks for testing, and so far in 2 days no items was lost, probably just luck ?

utoxin commented 11 years ago

An AE system doesn't lose items when it loses power. It can't accept /new/ items, but it won't lose the old ones.

HaoSs07 commented 11 years ago

i lost items where the power is not enough, it starts/stops many times and for some reason wiped some disks ,

now i test with formatted disks and it seems to work

ray73864 commented 11 years ago

If the power isn't enough, what i do, is i stick a redstone energy cell below the controller and power the cell.

Set the cell to output just above what your controller is asking for, basically a UPS for your network :)

LunNova commented 11 years ago

Can I call this a feature then? ;) On 18 Apr 2013 11:00, "ray73864" wrote:

If the power isn't enough, what i do, is i stick a redstone energy cell below the controller and power the cell.

Set the cell to output just above what your controller is asking for, basically a UPS for your network :)

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ray73864 commented 11 years ago

Well no, because my energy cell is currently set at 70MJ/t, which means i have 30MJ/t remaining and my network keeps on expanding, just like the universe cue the universe song from Monty Python and the Meaning of Life.

And i doubt it is a power issue causing the problem, but then again, AlgorithmX2 has made some changes in his latest versions for 1.5, so maybe he fixed the problem, no idea.

xfloh22 commented 11 years ago

well the formatting disc thing might be the reason i wasnt loosing any items... i allways format my discs.

HaoSs07 commented 11 years ago

there is no point to set the cell, it will only use what it needs, i also use MJ to power it, and i have connected to the same grid: AE system , 4 quarry's that run full speed , and the excess MJ is connected to a HV EU transformer that goes in to matterfab,

ray73864 commented 11 years ago

Except that 4 quarries don't demand much in the way of power.

I have 3 36HP liquid fueled boilers, they output quite a decent amount of MJ, but as soon as i use my assembly table with over 90 lasers on it, the AE network starts blinking on and off due to unstable power.

And i like to set an output on the cell, it's my choice, and it allows me to keep an eye on how much power it is using without having to do the math of MJ to unit.

HaoSs07 commented 11 years ago

you will have to set it highter anyway as AE uses different power levels for different operations

and a full speed quarry eats like 80 MJ if i remember right

ray73864 commented 11 years ago

Actually, the AE in FTB Ultimate doesn't use much power at all for different operations, what it says it requires on the controller is basically what it uses.

The AE for 1.5 however works very differently, it uses more power if you have the export bus set to 'stack' instead of 'single' for instance.

And a fullspeed quarry doesn't go any faster when you give it more than 75MJ/t. It uses something like 35MJ/t just to power the quarry at max speed and 60MJ/t for each block it breaks (or something like that.

HaoSs07 commented 11 years ago

I'm at 215 energy units/t , if i craft, it goes higher , u can go test, it does not use power as you say, for the stack or single option but it does use more if you transfer items; we can debate this forever, lets stay on topic; data lose

wormzjl commented 11 years ago

A formatted disk DO lose items. Tried to put some chunkloaders beside the disk but failed.

alicheek commented 11 years ago

Just to say on build TT 1388 and one of my players put some of his items in those computer storage devices then went some where which unloaded the chunk, when he came back he had none of the items in there any more.

wormzjl commented 11 years ago

Is there anyway that we can evade this problem rightnow?

LunNova commented 11 years ago

No, sorry :( Will hopefully have time to try to find what's causing this today.

floh22 commented 11 years ago

would be really awesome if this could get fixed. il help in any way i can if needed.

HaoSs07 commented 11 years ago

+1, will help with any test you need

LunNova commented 11 years ago

What I need to fix this more hours in a day or another dev to work on the project. :p

Higher exams in a few weeks, don't have enough time to fix all these issues :(

HaoSs07 commented 11 years ago

let me guess , no dev lying around with no job

utoxin commented 11 years ago

I have no mod experience (yet), or I would absolutely volunteer to help.

alicheek commented 11 years ago

Doing a great job nallar ! Dont let it get in the way of ur studies you have given us a working mod so dont worry they can always be fixed later! :)

HaoSs07 commented 11 years ago

well this one is allready in the " later " stage :p, as its a grate mod and more users start to learn it, wiping items hurts servers worldwide

dantherrien commented 11 years ago

Just had this happen again last night. It has ONLY happened to me with ME chests, but multiple times. Usually with disks that have a large number of items on it (over 100K dirt and last night over 130K charcoal) I noticed a while back that the ME chest seemed to be causing problems as ./profile or ./ticks reported it as an offending block. Not sure how different the code is between the drives and chests but this bug seems to be limited to chests for me. Will try to reproduce tonight with items I dont' care about.

HaoSs07 commented 11 years ago

i use only drives, and happens allot: but in lats days only to the first disk :) dont know why , also making sure chunk are always loaded seems to help

floh22 commented 11 years ago

any progress? i know you dont have much time but any updates would be awesome :smile:

LunNova commented 11 years ago

If anyone's able to upload a compressed FTB ultimate world with a system which reliably has this issue (and give coords of where it is) that would be very helpful.