MinimallyCorrect / TickThreading

Historical multi-threaded minecraft by @LunNova. Performance over correctness. What could go wrong? Way too much.
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[MCPC+ L67] [TT 1867] Server gets huge TPS drop and Network lag when the uptime is around 2 hours #716

Closed darkdeath1332 closed 11 years ago

darkdeath1332 commented 11 years ago

I have a FTB ultimate server with just 20 plugins and around 50 - 100 people on it. I cant really leave my server online for longer than about 2 hours.

When the server is just started up the ticks are 20 all the time till my uptime gets longer than about 2 hours. I have this every time and dont know whats cousing it, the players when the server starts lagging is around 50 and when its just up it handles 100 easely.

When the server is lagging the ticks will float around 15 to 1. Its really annoying and alot of people are leaving the server.

I recorded a CPU sampler on visualVM its from when the server starts with no lag untill it hits lag.

1 (from start till self crash, no error in console)

2 (from start till lag started, server stopped when lag came)

LunNova commented 11 years ago

Ah, the snapshot should be from after it starts lagging, preferably also for more than 10 minutes.

Also, set these options:

LunNova commented 11 years ago

Connect before it starts lagging, only sample after it starts lagging.

LunNova commented 11 years ago

Ah, it's probably a memory leak? Have you set -Xmx higher, or very close to, the memory you actually have? That could cause a crash.

What java parameters are you using? Also, pastebin the TT config.

darkdeath1332 commented 11 years ago

I run RemoteToolkit and it starts my server with; java -Xms512M -Xmx60G -jar\=3333,\=false,\=false, -Djline.terminal\=jline.UnsupportedTerminal,-XX:UseSSE\=4, -XX:+UseCMSCompactAtFullCollection, -XX:ParallelGCThreads\=12, -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC, -XX:+UseParNewGC, -XX:+DisableExplicitGC, -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode, -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing, -XX:+UseCompressedOops, -XX:+AggressiveOpts, -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow

(How its setup in the config, thats why the kommas)

I have 65 GB ram in total, I made the server uses max 60 GB and runs normally 18, here is my config.

CONSOLE before the crash,

TT config,

sorry for my english.

darkdeath1332 commented 11 years ago

I also have issues with the Anti Cheat bug, when someone teleports my CPU turns 100% for a sec becouse they get bugged trough both posistions.

darkdeath1332 commented 11 years ago

What amount of RAM should I set my server?

darkdeath1332 commented 11 years ago

Awesome its fixed, made my XMX 24g and all good now.