Mins / TuxLite

A complete LAMP and LNMP setup script for Debian or Ubuntu
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Added ADMIN_EMAIL & ROOT_LOGIN options in options.conf #41

Closed fevangelou closed 10 years ago

fevangelou commented 10 years ago

To be used for email notifications/alerts. Specifically, other bash scripts could use this variable to notify the admin for backups, firewall intrusion attempts and so on.

fevangelou commented 10 years ago

Dear Matt, if you accept this simple change, I can then proceed and submit a couple handy scripts for backups & firewall :)

fevangelou commented 10 years ago

Also added a simple option whether one wants to keep root login enabled or not. The default option is set to no so as to not change the existing feature set.

Mins commented 10 years ago

That'd be awesome Fotis ! Looking forward to the other changes :)