Mins / TuxLite

A complete LAMP and LNMP setup script for Debian or Ubuntu
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Plugins! #42

Open fevangelou opened 10 years ago

fevangelou commented 10 years ago

I've emailed you in the past about this and I believe it's time to discuss it further.

TuxLite could have a /plugins directory inside which bash scripts could reside. These bash scripts could auto-execute at the last step of TuxLite's installation process or they could be pre-defined to be executed in the options.conf file.

This /plugins directory can include any "non-core" scripts (e.g. wordpress.sh).

The whole concept could modularize TuxLite further more ;)

P.S. If I recall, you plan on merging all these scripts to a single one - imho I believe varnish.sh should be a core script (my 2c).

rhonk commented 10 years ago

Just a fun thought, I'd like to see ncurses used for plugins. I've always liked using it for configuring a variety of things as it can really improve the user experience without adding much overhead to a low RAM VPS.

Essentially read the scripts in /plugins, display the scripts in a list, selection then displays options for scripts, etc.

fevangelou commented 10 years ago

Once there's a pattern to create these plugins, traversing the directory to list them won't be difficult. :)