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Upgrade to PHP 5.4 in Debian 6 Squeeze #47

Closed fer-ri closed 10 years ago

fer-ri commented 10 years ago


any idea how to safely upgrade to PHP 5.4 from 5.3? i run this command

nano /etc/apt/sources.list
# PHP 5.4
deb http://packages.dotdeb.org squeeze-php54 all
deb-src http://packages.dotdeb.org squeeze-php54 all
apt-get update; apt-get install php5;

but then my site get 502 bad gateaway


fer-ri commented 10 years ago

Ended with directly edit setup.sh and change setup_apt() like this

function setup_apt {

    # If user enables apt option in options.conf
    if [ $CONFIGURE_APT = "yes" ]; then
        cp /etc/apt/{sources.list,sources.list.bak}

        if [ $DISTRO = "Debian" ]; then
            # Debian system, use Debian sources.list
            echo -e "\033[35;1mConfiguring APT for Debian. \033[0m"
            cat > /etc/apt/sources.list <<EOF
# Main repo
deb http://http.debian.net/debian $RELEASE main non-free contrib
deb-src http://http.debian.net/debian $RELEASE main non-free contrib
# Security
deb http://security.debian.org/ $RELEASE/updates main contrib non-free
deb-src http://security.debian.org/ $RELEASE/updates main contrib non-free
# PHP 5.4
deb http://packages.dotdeb.org squeeze-php54 all
deb-src http://packages.dotdeb.org squeeze-php54 all


note about # PHP5.4