Mintplex-Labs / vector-admin

The universal tool suite for vector database management. Manage Pinecone, Chroma, Qdrant, Weaviate and more vector databases with ease.
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API_BASE fix #116

Closed kh-ac closed 5 months ago

kh-ac commented 5 months ago

Pull Request Type

Relevant Issues

What is in this change?

API_BASE is set to "" instead of "/api" because it caused errors when trying to send requests to the backend. Thus, the frontend will not be working as shown below: Screenshot from 2024-01-11 14-58-36

Additional Information

Developer Validations

timothycarambat commented 5 months ago

That env is required to be /api because otherwise it breaks docker image runs pulled from the remote and works for both local and remote machines.

If you are developing then the patch to apply here is to override VITE_API_BASE using a frontend/.env file with the variable set to VITE_API_BASE="http://localhost:3001/api". This will enable local development now.

Its easier to patch and instruct for local development than break all the other docker images for people who are running it on a remote ip.