Mintplex-Labs / vector-admin

The universal tool suite for vector database management. Manage Pinecone, Chroma, Qdrant, Weaviate and more vector databases with ease.
MIT License
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[FEAT]: auto installer #120

Open Cinemacloud opened 5 months ago

Cinemacloud commented 5 months ago

What would you like to see?

This project is super cool and important for OSS autonomy and management on par or apparently better than Pinecone. Would be cool if installation without docker was automated so it can provide its own minimal chromadb and prompt for Pinecone or Postgres connection instance because README on Macos broke due to just 'virtual-env' being 'virtualenv' on Macos, might want to change README to include "python -m $( [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]] && echo "virtualenv" || echo "virtual-env" ) env" or just make a '' script

Also if you can specify whatever edits are necessary to get built from git instead of docker would help.