Many users have >100 workspaces. In this event, we should utilize an infinite scroll + a simple name-based search field in the sidebar. This way we can improve the initial page load by only querying the top 20 workspaces and then any more than that will lazy load in the rest of the workspaces.
The search bar should only appear if there are more than LIMIT workspaces, where limit is the page size of workspaces.
Many users have >100 workspaces. In this event, we should utilize an infinite scroll + a simple name-based search field in the sidebar. This way we can improve the initial page load by only querying the top 20 workspaces and then any more than that will lazy load in the rest of the workspaces.
The search bar should only appear if there are more than
workspaces, where limit is the page size of workspaces.