MinusKube / SmartInvs

Advanced Inventory API for your Minecraft Bukkit plugins.
Apache License 2.0
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error when i'm right click #167

Closed Chryster closed 3 years ago

Chryster commented 3 years ago

image i've this error when i'm right click on my item CustomItem.getBackToPanel on this inventory https://hastebin.com/sakeyegube.csharp public static ItemStack getBackToPanel(){ return new ItemBuilder(Material.PAPER).withName(ChatColor.YELLOW+"« Panel") .withLore(ChatColor.GRAY+"Click to go back to panel ").build(); } to open this inventory https://hastebin.com/cozutulude.java but if i'm left click i don't have this error

Chryster commented 3 years ago

patch Bukkit.getScheduler().runTask(instance, ()-> { player.closeInventory(); Panel.getInventory(mine, instance).open(player); });