MiraWaNeko / DiscordIntegration

Communicate between Minecraft and Discord
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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When @here or @veryone is in "serverStart" "serverStop" or "serverCrash" only the @ mention is posted to Discord #180

Open Gunner76th opened 5 years ago

Gunner76th commented 5 years ago

Base informations

Minecraft version: 1.12.2 DiscordIntegration version: 3.0.5 Server type and version: Forge/Spigot/Sponge Forge 2831 Link to pastebin with (censored) config: Optional

discordintegration.json.txt File extension changed due to constraints of Github allowable file types

Expected behavior

When server starts up, bot should relay "Sky Factory 4 is now online @here" to chat.

Actual behavior

When server starts up, bot instead only relays "@here" to chat. This does not matter where at in the text string the @here or @everyone is, the only thing posted to chat is the @ mention.

Screenshot of message posted to Discord using the above posted config: image

Steps to reproduce

When running a pure forge server with the above mentioned version and version 3.0.5 (currently the most recent version listed for MC 1.12.2) use the included config with your own personal bot token and channel ID.

Gunner76th commented 5 years ago

After further testing, it is discovered that the @here and @everyone issue also happens even if someone ingame uses them as well as if it is done from the console. It would appear that for some reason the bot is stripping all text in the same message as the mention, instead of treating the mention like it does when you do a normal one as exampled here: @Gunner76th Test message image

which results in Discord as image